Shit. Right. Possessive.

Jesse snapped his teeth at the hot nerd, and the hottie jumped away. "Someone should call animal control," he said, eyeing Jesse.

"Sorry, uh, this is actually my dog." I patted Jesse on the head a little harder than I needed to. "He's... protective."

The wolf snarled an agreement.

"Wow." The guy didn't look impressed, but he did lift his eyes back to me. "I'd love to go out with you. How about dinner, tonight?"

Free food and attractive company I could talk about Star Wars with?

Um, yes.

"That sounds great." I gave him a quick smile.

"What's your number?" he asked, pulling out his phone.

Jesse snarled a third time. He took a threatening step toward the hot nerd, but the guy barely batted an eye at the wolf now that he knew he was my "dog".

I quickly gave him my phone number, my fingers wrapping around Jesse's collar. "I've got to go to class, but I'm looking forward to it." I gave him a quick smile. "See you tonight."

I guess that last statement pushed the wolf over the edge.

Jesse launched toward the hot nerd, his teeth open and aimed at the guy's throat.