"Hey, Kevin. About tonight..." I bit my lip.

"You're canceling on me," he said. He didn't sound surprised, and I felt like shit for that.

"My ex-boyfriend and I just decided to get back together. It has nothing to do with you, I swear. I'm sorry to cancel like this," I apologized.

It was bullshit, of course. But he deserved an excuse that wouldn't make him feel like crap, regardless of whether or not it was the truth.

"Ah, I get it. Well, send me a text when you're single again.”

"I will," I agreed, even though it was kind of dickish for him to just assume I'd be single again at some point. What if my pretend ex was the one for me?

We exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.

A yawn stretched my cheeks. "Maybe I should take a little nap before I start studying,” I remarked to Jesse.

His head dipped slightly in a small nod.

I slid off of the counter and walked to the couch, then took my shoes off before collapsing on the big, comfortable thing.

Napping in a bed would've been nicer, but until I could afford new sheets or even just took the time to wash Jesse's sheets, I wasn't going anywhere near his bed.

I fell asleep almost as soon as I was horizontal.

A low,threatening growling sound woke me up.

I shook my head, looking around the room. It was dark, and I didn't know how long I'd been asleep.

I heard paws clicking on the floor and tried to spot Jesse. He was moving around, but I couldn't see him.

More threatening growls and snarls came from the wolf.

Was someone outside? Or was someone in the house?

Panic blossomed within me.

What the hell was going on?

Paws sounded on the floor again, and red eyes came into view. I nearly screamed at the sudden appearance of the damn creepy things, but I cut myself off.

Jesse stared at me for a moment before his head whipped toward the door.

I relaxed slightly.

Guess the threat he was worried about was outside.

After walking slowly over to the wolf, I crouched beside him. "Do I need to call your friends?" I whispered.

He growled deeper.

Guess not.

The wolf snarled, nudging me toward the ground. I knelt beside him, then shuffled over to the window. He snarled again—that time at me.

"Shh. I want to see," I told him.

He snapped his teeth at me.

"You're not going to bite me," I whisper-snapped back.

At least, not yet.

I lifted one of the blinds covering the window, just barely enough to see outside. The porch lights were on, and I could see the front yard pretty clearly.

I watched... and saw nothing.

A frown dragged my lips down. "I don't know what—"

Jesse snarled and sprinted to the other side of the house. I flew to my feet and followed him to the patio door.

My hands landed on the glass as Jesse snapped his teeth and continued snarling. Another red-eyed wolf peered back at us.