"He doesn't want her scared of him," a fourth responded.

Dammit, if they kept talking, all the football-player-shaped werewolves were going to be the death of me.

I took a step backward, then paused.

The wolf didn't budge.

Another step.


No movement from Veggie Wolf.

I continued to move away from the van step-by-step, never taking my eyes off him.

Though I wasn't sure exactly which direction my dorm was, we hadn't gone far on the dirt road when the guys pulled the van over. If I ran beside it, I hoped I could get back to the real road and possibly make my way back into town.

And from there, get home.

My tiny dorm room sounded like heaven.

Right when I started to think the wolf was actually going to let me go, he jumped out of the van in one smooth, powerful movement.

Another scream welled in my throat.

Instead of letting it free, I sprinted down the dirt road.