What the hell were those classes for?

Sure, I could guess he was going after some kind of computer degree—that much was obvious. But computer security, applied programming... what would you need those for?

I went back to Jesse's room and grabbed my laptop off the floor where I'd left it, setting it down next to Jesse's and pulling up my school's course catalog. It took me about twenty minutes of comparing courses—the names weren't exact matches for whatever his college was and mine—before I realized what he was getting a degree in.

Software engineering.

I stepped over to the mattress on the floor, and sat down on it. Shoving hair away from my face, I stared at the closed closet doors.


Who the hell was this guy?

I'd thought he was a jock who slept around (okay, I'd assumed that) but he was not only a freakin’ virgin, but a virgin getting a degree in software engineering.

One who stocked up cash for a chick he'd never met, just because he wanted to ease her transition into his world.

"I think I'm going full-on Stockholm Syndrome," I told wolf-Jesse.

He licked my arm twice.

I didn't even push him away or tell him not to.


What if Human Jesse was kind of perfect?

What if he was nice to talk to, not just look at?

What if he was actually, legitimately someone I would’ve been interested in even without the whole werewolf mess between us?

Up to that point, I'd assumed there wasn't a chance in hell I could ever have feelings for the guy inside the wolf I'd learned to tolerate.

But what if I liked him?

Liked him, liked him?

Holy shit, I couldn't fall in love with a werewolf, could I?

"Calm down, Tea," I muttered to myself. Looking at Jesse, I said, "Turn around. I don't want your human to see me losing my ever-loving mind over here."

He huffed a sigh, but turned his head so he was looking the other direction.

"He can't be a hot nerd," I whispered. "There aren't that many of them, remember? Like, less than half a percent of the population."

Okay, that was a statistic I made up on the spot, but a girl had to tell herself what a girl had to tell herself. Fake statistics be damned.

But... software engineer?

"I'm just going to open his computer and check what he was looking at before reaching any conclusions," I muttered. "I'll probably find, like, a shit-ton of porn. And a cheating website—yeah, he probably cheats on all his classes."

The wolf snorted.

I flipped him off again, opening Jesse's laptop.

Yeah, major privacy invasion, but so was abducting a chick and forcing her to live in your house. He could get the hell over it.

The screen turned on instantly. He'd left it plugged in and running, so he'd been planning on coming back to it.