"You want him naked?" Ford asked with a raised eyebrow.

She growled at him.

He looked at Dax, who shrugged. "I don't know how a female wolf thinks."

Ford grabbed the blanket and lifted it to his nose, sniffing. He made a face.

"Tea hasn't been sleeping in the bed. It's stale." He tossed it to the ground.

"She told Rocco she's been sleeping on the couch," Dax offered.

"I'll grab the blanket," someone called from downstairs.

A few minutes later, Rocco came back with my blanket hanging over his shoulder. My wolf growled at him. "It's alright, Tea. I'm the coolest one in the pack. Your human kissed me once, and almost kissed me a second time too.”

My wolf snorted.

His grin widened. "I felt the same way." He tossed the blanket over Jesse's lower-half.

My wolf sniffed it, and it smelled fine to me. Not that the other blanket had smelled bad; I hadn’t smelled anything from it.

She plopped down on the bed, her side curled up against Jesse's, and narrowed her eyes at Elliot. He was standing in the doorway, watching the interaction.

"Here." Elliot crossed the room, tugging the rest of the bacon out of the bag. He fed it to her piece by piece, and she made happy noises while she inhaled the food.

When it was gone, she growled.

"Zed's already cooking up some steaks," he promised.

She tilted her head.

"He's our Sigma," Rocco told her.

She nodded, like that meant something. The only pack roles I'd heard about were alpha—which I knew Elliot was—and omega, which Jesse was.

"We know you won't leave your wolf form until Jesse wakes up, so two of us will be here at all times until then, alright?" Elliot checked.

My wolf huffed and lowered her head to her paws.

"I know you'd prefer to be alone with him, but he's vulnerable like this. And you are too."

She gave an irritated growl.

Elliot chuckled. "Omega through and through."

What the hell did that even mean?

"Jesse hates having to rely on people too." Elliot perched on the edge of the bed, beside my wolf. She sniffed at him, found him suitably non-threatening, then lowered her head back to her paws.

She seemed to take comfort in feeling Jesse's chest rise and fall against her side as he breathed. That, or she just didn't trust the pack.

I wouldn’t blame her for either one.

The men continued chattering around her, but she was tired. While her steak cooked, she slept. I had no choice but to sleep when she did, my consciousness dependent on hers.

My wolf playedhouse with the pack members for an entire week, and I started to pick up on the group’s dynamic a bit more. I learned that as the sigma, Zed was the troublemaker, but he was wicked-smart. And that as the gamma, Rocco was the jokester, but he was also the one you could tell anything to. And as the alpha, Elliot was basically the papa bear. He always had snacks, and looked out for everyone while setting them all at ease.

They were on day nine of wolf-sitting when Jesse finally opened his eyes.

The first thing said eyes did when they opened?

Land on my wolf.

A sharp pain cut through my spine, and I screamed as the shift back to human form began.