When we got home,I set up my computer at the kitchen table so Jesse could cook. He volunteered, so I wasn't shooting him down. I felt a bit bad about turning down his request to eat with his buddies, so I vowed to myself that we'd go the next night.

I powered through the first exam while Jesse cooked. All three were due at midnight, which didn't give me a lot of time.

We ate between tests, and then I jumped into the second one. Jesse grabbed his computer and sat next to me. Not close enough for the proctor program to pick him up on the camera, but close enough that our legs brushed every time one of us moved.

I *may* have moved more than I needed to.

When the third test was done, I rubbed my eyes. Jesse set another massive plate of food in front of me.

"You're trying to fatten me up," I accused, though my stomach was growling silently.

He lifted an eyebrow. "You're a werewolf, Tea. That's not genetically possible any more. As you eat more, your muscles will fill out and your body will change a bit. But a werewolf can't eat too much."

I blinked at him.

Well, that was... nice.

Assuming I could eventually afford the grocery bills.

Until then, it would only be a disadvantage.

"I know that brain of yours is stressing about money. Don't. I've got it covered." He got up, headed to the bathroom while he left me with my food.

I expected my wolf's uncomfortable presence as he walked out of sight, but I didn't expect her to rip control out from under me like a damn rug.

A scream slipped through my lips as my back bent awkwardly, my bones starting to change and reform.

Jesse was back to me in a heartbeat, his arms wrapping around me while he whispered soothing words, but it was too late—the wolf was in control.

Agony bloomed, and withered, and then exploded repeatedly as the pain swelled and retreated again and again.

When the pain finally stopped, I was looking out through the eyes of my wolf.

"It'll get faster," Jesse promised.

I didn't know if he was promising that to me, or to the wolf who'd snatched my body. Either way, I wasn't looking forward to discovering that for myself.

He scratched my wolf's head, and she leaned in to his touch. Her eyes squinted slightly, and I wondered if she was analyzing him or something.

"Your human still has a lot of school work to catch up on, so if you're going to test me, let's get to it," he murmured at her.

She snuggled closer to him, licking his face, before she pushed out of his arms and moved to the back door. He stood, and gave her a stern look.

"Your food." He pointed to the plate.

The wolf huffed, but walked back to the food.

She swallowed it down in a couple of impressively large bites.

Had she even tasted it?

I was going with no.

She moved back to the door, and Jesse pulled it open for her.

Without a glance backward, she took off into the forest.