But the same kiss had woken me up to my feelings for him. It had forced me to realize that I couldn't be just friends with Jesse. We had too much chemistry, too much in common, too much fun.

Yet at the same time, I didn't know if he had any real feelings for me. What if everything he’d done since we met was just because he didn't want to live his life alone?

My churning mind kept right on rolling until I got to Subway.

Getting out of the car, I went inside and looked around. Ebony was usually early for things, and yep, she was sitting at a table near the door.

She stood when I came inside, and gave me a big hug. "It's been too long," she said warmly.

"I know, we need to get together more often." I gave her as much of a smile as I could muster.

We ordered our subs, and took them back to our table to eat. The place wasn't too busy, but we weren't the only ones there.

The door opened, and I glanced to the side as two large bodies entered.

I tried not to react when Jesse and Ford walked past us without a second glance, headed up to the counter. I should've known they'd follow; Jesse had probably assumed I had plans with a male friend or something. The guys all thought I was a slut after all, since I'd kissed a couple of them.

"Damn," Ebony's eyes tracked the men.

The wolf in me stirred.


How had I already forgotten about her bitchy jealous tendencies?

Ebony wasn't a flirt though, and she wasn't looking for a relationship. I knew she had a guy friend she'd spend the night with once a week or so, but I had never met him. They weren't dating.

She peeled her eyes off the guys and met my gaze. "Football players, maybe?"

"Probably," I agreed.

If Jesse came over, I'd have to admit to knowing him. Maybe I'd call him my roommate or something. But since he and Ford hadn't acknowledged me, I wasn't thinking I'd have to do that.

She made a face. "Why do all the hot ones have to be jocks?"

I smiled. "You took the words right out of my mouth."

My smile faded as I watched Ford and Jesse find seats on the opposite side of the place.

Not all of the hot ones were jocks.

"So how are you doing? How's your new place?" Ebony asked me, unwrapping her sandwich.

"It's nice," I admitted. "I have a roommate, so rent isn't bad."

It wasn't bad at all, considering it was free.

And I needed to talk to Jesse about paying my half of the bills, since he'd given me his cash stash.

"Oh, nice. Is she cool?"

I nearly lied and said yes. But, then I remembered why I'd asked her to go out in the first place. I needed someone to talk to, to help me figure out my feelings.

"It's a he, actually." I grimaced. "The guy over there."

Ebony's eyes flicked to the table, where Jesse and Ford were eating without facing us. "Which one?"

"The one with his back to the register."