A scream tore through the air as I bent further, and Jesse eased me off the counter. He sat on the floor with me in his arms, and spoke calming words as he quickly helped me out of my clothes. He wasn't exactly a professional at getting a woman undressed, so he barely finished in time.

My wolf took control, and the pain faded away.

Jesse tugged his shirt off his head, then stepped out of his jeans. I stared at him, drinking in the sight of the gorgeous man. He still wore underwear, but there was plenty to look at anyway.

"Have you decided where you'll bite me yet?" Jesse asked my wolf, sitting down on the floor. Those gorgeous legs of his sprawled out in front of him, and his body's response to our make out session was about a thousand percent obvious.

And I loved that he didn’t try to hide that.

The wolf prowled in a circle around him. Jesse didn't come off as eager, but there was a gleam in his eyes that told me he was riling her up, the way he always riled me up.

She seemed to like it as much as I did.

"Legs are the most common places for men to wear mate bites," Jesse continued. "Followed by torso, then arms. I've seen a couple guys with gnarly neck bites, and one whose mate decided to mark his face. I could rock a neck bite, but I'd rather you not mar all this." He gestured to his face.

I cringed inwardly.

Please don't bite his neck or face, wolf.

She couldn't hear me, but it was worth the effort.

My wolf continued stalking around him, studying his body to figure out where exactly she wanted her mark on him.

He reached out to scratch her fur, and she was done deciding.

She lunged.