Although the gyro is amazing, especially with that creamy cucumber sauce, I have a massive weak spot for these enormous turkey legs. I hold the obnoxiously large chunk of meat up in the air and give it a wiggle. Winner, winner, turkey dinner.

Bae brings the gyro to his mouth and, with a groan of pleasure, bites off half of the entire thing in one go. Similarly famished and uncaring if tearing into a fried turkey leg the size of my forearm is unbecoming, I do just that.

Before I can hardly make a dent, all three men around me have devoured the first of their two gyros each.

After taking and swallowing another bite, I casually state, “You all act like you haven’t eaten anything yet today. I know Zane never got a chance to because he was with me at the saloon super late last night and stayed until you all left for the demo, but what is your excuse?”

Neither Chaz nor Bae appear surprised to hear that Zane was with me last night. Even still, Bae looks up at me over the first bite of his second gyro, pulls the wrap away from his mouth, and responds. “Brodi had me on some strong antibiotics that made me lose my appetite. This is my first real meal since we ate pizza at the saloon after our trip down here.”

I shred off another chunk of turkey, my focus dropping to his wounded side. When it drifts back up to his eyes, the upward arch of his golden-auburn eyebrow warns me not to press any further.

As soon as my mouth is free of food, I wash it down with some cold sweet tea before quietly stating, “Glad you are doing better. I was getting worried.”

His first simple, nonchalant answer is nowhere near enough, though; it unfurls a bud of returned confidence in the depths of my soul. “It was late Tuesday when you and Vee went grocery shopping and… stuff… right?” I inquire next.

After Kal made a show of obtaining my contract, I was hellbent on starting to pluck and collect small petals of information here and there in order to tuck them away for a rainy day. My attention sharpened, and I took in a lot of seemingly inconsequential details that night and every moment since. Now, I might be onto something.

Bae lifts his drink, and his lips twitch to the side as he places the straw between them. “Mm-hmm,” he hums, sucking up some of the dark, translucent liquid.

My gaze rises above him to the gray, cloudy sky.


Looks like rain.