Chaz chortles. “Bet he could bust one with you only looking at him like that.”

Zane rolls his eyes and says the first thing since we left the Christian booth earlier. “Fuck you.”

We all stop dead in our tracks.

I nearly squirt myself in the best way.

“I might be a virgin, but I am not a stranger to getting off. I practice. A lot.”

Bae doubles over, braying.

I bite hard on my lip trying so hard to rein in my own amusement. Unfortunately, a mental image of him practicing, his cheeks turning red for all the right reasons, floats into my already lascivious thoughts.

“Boy, that is absolutely nothing like getting your dick wet in some good snatch for the first time. Lace will have you at the tip, brother.” Bae takes out his wallet, opens it, plucks out several bills, and waves them in the air.

Chaz “Oh, ho, hos” as he whips out his own stash. “You say tip? I’ll up you one and bet that she has him splooshing with a good ‘ol dry rubbing.”

“Ohhh, dry rub. That sounds amazing right now.” To prove my point, my stomach rumbles.

“You and your obsession with meat.” Chaz laughs, swipes the bet funds from Bae, and shoves both contributions into his front pocket before taking out his phone, quickly typing something, then waiting patiently for a response. He gets one. Two. Three. So does Bae and Zane.

Zane panics, fumbling with everything in his arms, trying to figure out a way to remove his phone from his pocket.

“Here let me help,” I offer with an innocent flutter of my eyelashes.

He freezes, double blinks, then gives me a nod of approval.

“Check in m—”

I slip my fingers in his front pocket, knowing damn well his phone is in the inside pocket of his riding jacket. Just for fun, I grope around in there until I get a… reaction. Zane tries to wiggle away from me, but I stop him with a tug against the material. “Be still,” I coo, using my opposite hand to palm his chest. “I know where your phone is.”

My lower hand finds the hard length of him pressed against his long thigh while my upper hand plucks out his phone.

“Jesus,” he groans out.

“Shh,” I whisper, getting up on tippy toes to be able to reach his mouth. “There are kids around.”

“There are about to be a hell of a lot more kids around if you keep teasing him like that, Lace. The swimming kind,” Chaz elaborates with an eyebrow waggle.

Chaz might still be on my list of possible perps, but for now, it just feels really good to have this fun moment with the three of them.

“Can I read the texts aloud to him?” I ask for permission, knowing that I am not usually permitted to snoop on their phones.

Bae scans the messages once more before giving me a nod of approval. Phone collected, cock hardened, I hold up the screen. “Looks like you have quite the collection going. Brodi was the first to respond with: ‘If he can show down in bed as good as he can show down in a brawl, take all my money. Bruh has it handled.’“

An adorable glint of pride flashes in his fawn-like eyes.

Vee came back with something equally as great. Not surprising. I relay his text next, “Nah, my man will last” — I draw out the next part, though, because it is funny as hell — “out of pure fear and failure to perform.”

“Okay, sto—”

“Wow! Coty put down the most.” The coyote chasing the fawn. His eyes widen impossibly large as I share the result: “I will double whatever the max pot is and say that he won’t fucking come at all because his dick will get nowhere near close enough to Lace for it to happen.”

Also not surprising.

I leave a closing remark with an innocent, “This is all assuming, of course, that I don’t have a headache or something.”

Chaz laughs. “When you have a headache, your only cure is a good fuck.”