Simultaneously panicking and filling with rage, my vision vibrates and goes black at the edges.

Do not give them a reaction.

Do not give them a reaction.

Do not give them a reaction.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

I take out the top and slowly put it on, staying in my current bottoms for the time being. The top is what really steals the show anyhow, I try to encourage myself. What the hell are you gonna do, Lace?

I rummage — as calmly as possible — in my bag for inspiration, ignoring the whispers that are swelling in the hot and humid tent.

An idea hits me. A bold, proud confidence settles over my shoulders. I peek my head out of the tent to find Remi. Thankfully, she is waiting right on the outside like the perfect bodyguard.

“Everything okay?” she asks, looking all enforcer-like with her black hair and dark eyes, hanging out in the evening shadows.

“Some bitch decided it would be funny to bleach the crotch of my bottoms. I need to improvise.”

“If you find out which bitch, let me know?”

“Sure thing. Can you go tell Kris, the DJ, that I need a swap? Have her call me up last?”

Remi nods and walks off, back straight, on a mission.

I turn around and do the same.