Kal nods and addresses Chaz next. “How is the emergency fund looking?”

Feels super strange to hear Kal ask that question since the emergency fund was only ever put in place to use in the unlikely event a paycheck falls through. One misdirected assassination later, here we are.

“We should probably go on a diet.” Chaz pats his stomach. “Maybe even fast for a few days. Might be a good idea to start walking everywhere, too.”

Right about the time Kal starts clenching his fingers around the pen, Chaz tightens up. “Other than what we have used for food, gas, and presents for our girl, the pot is bountiful.”

“Presents? Seriously?”


“That shit is coming out of your cut next time we make any splits.”

“Go large! Make it a double!” Chaz chants. “I plan on turning her into my old lady eventually since none of you fuckers will. She can have all of my money, as long as I get to come home to her pretty face at the end of every workday.”

“That woman is not staying at home for anyone, much less your quirky ass. Lace is not the settling type. Sooner you come to terms with that, the better.” Kal looks up at the ceiling, searching for his patience there before moving forward. “Now that the pleasantries are settled, I want to propose a patch over.”

The air turns thick, and a muffled silence hums through our small, wide-eyed group.

Talk about an abrupt change of topic.

I open my mouth, but my heavy tongue delays my words. For that reason, Kio beats me to it. “A patch over would take a hell of a lot of interest. Far as I am aware, none of the Stoners are interested in joining our ranks.”

Chaz pipes up next, a look of disgust drawing his eyebrows together. “Even if there was interest, none of them fit our criteria. You gonna require them to sell their Hogs and start riding sports bikes?”

Kal responds to the topic Kio brought up first. “Foster has wanted out for a long time. We have some… agreements… between us. He is unable to give me a number, but I got the go ahead yesterday, which means the interest outweighs the lack thereof.” He scratches the bridge of his nose, body language revealing that he would prefer to skip addressing what Chaz mentioned, but he does it anyway: “Right now, a successful patch over is more important than make and model. Stoney is planning to take us down. He has the influence and the reach. A patch over at his homebase will at least give us a leg up.”

“So, about that plan to take us down…” Kio clears his throat, and all attention turns to him. “There is no easy way to say this, but here goes: I have the original docket.”