*Chaz “Cash” - Treasurer*

I have seen a lot of body bags, but never one that has made such an impact as when they wheel out Jess and place the stretcher into the back of the ambulance.

Dead on arrival. Lace is listed as her next of kin. With a little persuasion, I was able to talk the authorities into letting one of us break the news to her, rather than an officer seeking her out to drop the bomb. Since Coty was already with her, Kal filled him in first.

Then something happens. Kal goes from relatively calm and collected on the phone with Coty, to panicked. Well, as panicked as Kal gets. Either way, it is not a fucking good sign.

“Yeah, well I need you somewhere else! You are gonna just have to let her go, Coyote. Listen. Listen! Make the pick up; I will take care of the rest, okay?”

Sounds like Lace receiving the details about Jess made her run for the hills.

“Why not just let her leave for real? Why put her through this shit anymore?” I grumble under my breath. It was only a matter of time. Now that Lace has hit rock bottom, there is no redemption. Especially if Kal forces her to stay.

After hanging up, he then goes on to make several follow-up phone calls.

“Drain most but not all of the gas from her tank. If she tries to leave, let her go, follow from a distance, and let me know where she pulls over. By then, I should be close behind,” he instructs on one of the calls.

On another call, he demands the recipient to, “Tell him to be ready in fifteen, that someone is on their way.”

Shoving his phone into his pocket, he starts to launch toward his bike, but I slap my hand down hard on his shoulder. “What the fuck is going on?” I ask.

So focused on this new task, it takes him a minute to switch gears and answer me. Not that it matters, his hazy focus flits between those of us who are still standing here on the scene. He wrenches his arm out of my grip, states, “Nothing that has anything to do with any of you,” then prowls away in a hurry.