I hold off before delivering the sixth. She cries for a while and then lifts her head and says, “Is it over, Daddy or are you just giving me a chance to say the safe word?”

“Just making sure you know you can say it.”

She nods, eyes filled with tears and bottom lip trembling. “I know, Daddy. I don’t need to say it.”

She turns her head again and I let the sixth spank fall. Her ass is bright red by now and after two more spanks the red is deeper. I land two more. Ten total. I give her a second to say the safe word but she just cries. I land two more and that’s all I can handle even though I intend twenty spanks. I’m not entirely confident she’ll use the safe word, not yet, even if she genuinely believes it when she tells me she will.

I stroke her hair while she cries and say, “Okay, little girl. That’s it. We’re all done now.”

She immediately gets up and puts her arms around me. She straddles me and I hold her as she weeps on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Daddy!” she says.

“Little girl,” I say, “the spanking took care of all that. It’s a fresh clean slate now.”

She pulls back and stares at me wide-eyed. “Really?”

I smile and nod.

She smiles back and it almost feels like this is the first genuine smile I’ve ever seen on her face, a smile free of worry or falsehood. “Daddy!” she shouts ash she giggles. It doesn’t take long at all before her mouth is on mine. It takes very little time after that for my clothes to start coming off.