Seth didn’t speak as he squeezed my hand, leading me through the crowds of people. Carter was somewhere in the house, and I needed to find him, as there was no sign of him anywhere. Seth opened the patio door and pulled me past the pool to a secluded spot behind the green shrubberies.

He took both of my hands in his, his concerned gaze searching mine. “Are you okay? My brother didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Shaking my head, I glanced down at the red handprint on my arm. “Nothing other than piss me off.”

Seth sighed. “You’re safe with me, Emma.”

“Am I?” I countered. “Last I checked, you’re a part of this. Your family is the reason I’m here.” My eyes bored into his. “Did you know when we were together?”

The muscles in his jaw bulged. “No. I found out a couple of days ago when my father mentioned Ethan Jameson as one of the new fighters. I was worried you’d be dragged in. So, when Ava told me you were planning to stay in California, I had to come out and check on you.” His hazel eyes pierced into mine. “I know you’re here for Carter.”

When Seth and I were dating, we talked about our first loves and I brought up Carter, saying that he was my first in many ways. “I love him, Seth,” I murmured, my chest tightening with the unknown. “I don’t want Carter here alone. I know what he has to do tonight.”

Seth’s expression darkened. “I had nothing to do with this, Emma. I need you to know that.”

Given the circumstances, I didn’t know if I could trust him, but something inside of me told me I could. I’d always known Seth wasn’t a bad man. When we were together, he was fun, gentle, and warm, but he had a serious streak to him like there was something dangerous beneath the surface. Now I know what that danger is.

“What are you going to do?” I asked him.

Sighing, Seth squeezed my hands. “You’re going to stay with me. Nikolai can’t get to you anymore, not with my men around. I’m going to take care of this.” There was a hint of worry behind those golden-hazel eyes of his.

“What are you holding back?”

Lowering his gaze, Seth stared at our clasped hands and then back into my eyes. “I can’t guarantee Carter will win. His opponent isn’t a stranger to violence. But if Carter beats him, I can promise you he’ll leave here alive. I don’t think that could’ve been said if I wasn’t here.”

Tears filled my eyes because I knew he spoke the truth. When Nikolai said Carter would die tonight, he meant it would be by his hands.

“What about after tonight? Nikolai wants Carter dead.”

Seth shook his head. “I’m going to handle that.” He let my hands go and held out his arm so I could loop mine through his. I was afraid of the fight, of Nikolai, and the unknown, but strangely enough, I felt safe around Seth.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said to him.

Seth cracked a smile, but it dropped quickly. “So am I. I don’t want to know what would’ve happened to you if I wasn’t.”

Neither do I.

* * *

When we made it down to the basement, it was as if we had stepped into a different world. The walls were black with purple sconces set up to give the room an ominous glow. There were people everywhere, standing by the three bars set up around the room. However, in the middle of it all was the fighting ring. It appeared out of place with the sheer luxury of everything else.

There were only ten minutes left before the fight was due to start, and Carter still hadn’t been seen. Neither had Nikolai or the other man Carter was supposed to fight. I had never felt so out of place in my life. Several women in the room snuck evil glares my way, disgusted that I was dressed in jeans and a tank top and sitting with a powerful Michelson.

We were on the far side of the room, away from the ring so Carter wouldn’t see me. If he did, it’d distract him. He had to stay focused without worrying about me. Plus, he didn’t need to see me surrounded by Seth and his six men who were oozing with dominance and danger.

Seth sat close to me; his muscles relaxed but tense as he scanned his surroundings. When people walked by, they nodded at him to show respect. It was a world I didn’t want to be a part of but was sure to be stuck in for a very long time.

“After you walked in the first time, Nikolai was going to have me locked in a room. He didn’t want you to see me,” I said, leaning in closer to Seth.

Seth’s expression hardened. “Of course, he didn’t. I take it he knows about our past?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

Jaw clenching, he shook his head and scoffed. “Then he knew exactly what I’d do. I may be a bad boy at times, Emma, but I don’t hurt females. He used to be the same. Now I don’t know who he is anymore. From what I see here,” he explained, gazing around the room, “Nikolai needs to be taken down a notch or twelve. I’m going to make sure he gets that.”

“That’s all fine and dandy, but I don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a war you have with your psychotic brother.”