“Smart move,” Seth claimed, sounding impressed.

Nikolai scoffed in reply. “It’s not over yet.”

Carter released Philip’s head and jerked him up by the arm, almost like a new spurt of energy charged through him. He twisted Philip’s arm to a hard angle, and the snap echoed throughout the room, sending chills all through my body. Philip thrashed around and Carter let him go by pushing him across the ring. Philip landed on his knees with his arm hung limp at his side. Carter’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths; he was tired and so was Philip. I wanted Philip to stay down, that maybe the fight would end if he gave up on his own.

Sadly, I knew it wouldn’t be that easy.

Philip whirled around, using his good arm to reach behind his back, only this time it was a knife instead of razor blade brass knuckles. Swinging it erratically, Philip went on the rampage. Carter evaded him, and I could tell he wanted to attack by the fire in his eyes, but Philip would surely use his knife if he did. And I had no doubt he knew the exact spots that would be killing blows.

Think Carter. Use your legs.

I wanted to scream it, but I knew I couldn’t.

And just like that, it was as if Carter heard my silent plea. He roundhouse kicked Philip in the head. Philip’s neck snapped to the side, and he fell like a giant boulder onto the mat, his body motionless with his broken arm at an odd angle beneath him.

Nikolai jumped to his feet. “No fucking way,” he hissed.

Blood poured out of Philip’s body onto the mat, and Carter stared at him, his face a stony mask. Then, charging into the ring, Wheeler rushed over to Philip and gently turned his body onto his back, revealing the knife stuck in Philip’s gut.

Gasping, I slapped a hand over my mouth. “Oh, my God.”

Carter climbed out of the ring, and I could tell he was hurt. Jumping out of my seat, I raced through the crowd, my blood tearing through my veins. Seth shouted my name, but I didn’t stop.

I had to get to Carter.