The past two weeks went by quickly. I told Carter that after his fight, we needed a vacation to my family’s cabin in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It also gave his wounds time to heal before our parents could see them. Yes, he’d have scars, but we figured we’d tell everyone he got attacked by a dog while we went out for a run.

Luckily, Nikolai hadn’t bothered any of us, but we knew it was only a matter of time. Would he come after Carter and me again? Or would he move on to someone else in the group? Without a doubt he would, but everyone was on guard, ready for when he’d strike next.

I decided to take some time off from modeling, and I didn’t know if I even wanted to continue with it. What I desired was to pursue my meteorologist career. I had the schooling already under my belt. Not to mention, there was going to be an opening at the local news station soon. The current meteorologist was about to go on maternity leave and was not expected to return. So, I planned to apply for the job and if I got it, I’d take it as a sign that it was where I was supposed to be.

Carter took my hand and walked alongside me when the trail widened. “I can see why your parents wanted to leave L.A. and move here. It’s quiet.”

Looking up at the trees, I smiled as the wind made the leaves rustle back and forth, the sound soothing. “It is. I loved growing up here. My great grandmother made the best biscuits in the world.” I was young when she died, but my memories were still vivid in my mind.

Carter squeezed my hand. “I remember. One of our group trips was the week after she passed away. Your parents wanted to cheer you up.”

My lips pulled back. “I believe that was the vacation you held my hand for the first time.”

Chuckling, Carter glanced over at me. “We were at Disneyland, and you were a wild six-year-old. Your poor mom would let you go for one second to find something in her bag, and you’d take off. That’s why I decided to keep a hold of you. Besides,” he said, bumping me in the arm, “you liked me.”

“Yeah, right,” I chimed.

I did like him at that point in my life. For as long as I could remember, I had a crush on Carter. I never thought I’d believe in soulmates, but Carter was mine. We’d been connected ever since I was born. There would always be regrets and things I wished I could change in the years we spent apart, but it turned out for the best. If we hadn’t separated, I never would’ve met Seth. Seth was our saving grace right now. We talked to him the other day, and he told Carter he wouldn’t have to fight anymore. I knew Seth was doing it for me, but I also knew that if one of the guys needed help, Carter would be back in the ring in a heartbeat. So, was it entirely over for us? I doubted it. Until that time came, we would live our lives … together.

Up ahead, the trees started to space out, and beyond that was a rocky ledge that overlooked a river with more mountains in the distance. It was the perfect place to watch the sunset.

“When do you start competing again?” I asked, smiling up at Carter.

He beamed when his eyes met mine. “In just a few more weeks. I’m looking forward to it.”

“So am I,” I replied in all honesty. “However, I’m not thrilled about having to beat all the women off with sticks.” It was meant as a joke, but I did hate the thought of all those women trying to force themselves onto Carter.

Carter winked. “Or you could always give them your right hook.”

A laugh burst from my lips. “I might have to do that.” I won’t hesitate either.

Finally, we made it to the cliffside and in the distance, the sky was cast in a pinkish-orange glow while the clouds were all different shades of purple.

“This literally takes my breath away,” I gushed. Holding a hand over my heart, I stepped up to the ledge so I could get the full effect. “I wish I had my phone to take pictures. Do you have yours?” I called out to Carter.

A few seconds passed, and I waited for his reply, but there was nothing. When he didn’t answer, I turned around and he was on his knee in the grass, surrounded by pretty wildflowers, with a small, black box in his hand.

Overwhelmed with joy, I clasped a hand over my mouth. “What are you doing?”

Carter opened the box, revealing the ring inside. “I’m asking you to marry me.” He stared up into my eyes and I could see love, adoration, and someone who would go through great lengths to protect me. How did I ever deserve someone like him?

Slowly, I took a step toward him, the tears burning my eyes. “Oh, my God, Carter.”

I looked down at the platinum ring, and it was the most enchanting thing I’d ever seen. There was a diamond in the center, signifying a flower, while the band was a vine of emerald encrusted leaves; it was magical.

Carter plucked the ring out of the box and reached for my hand. “What do you say, Emma? Do you love me enough to say yes?”

There was so much happiness inside me I thought I’d explode. “I love you way more than that,” I confessed. My tears fell like happy rivers down my cheeks when Carter slid the ring down my finger.

“Is that a yes?” Carter asked, smirking. “Because I kind of already put the ring on your finger.”

“Yes!” I shouted, flinging my arms around his neck. Carter lost his balance and we fell back onto the soft grass, but he rolled over on top of me, settling himself between my legs.

Lowering his lips to mine, Carter tenderly explored me with his tongue. My whole body ignited with unadulterated passion. Carter groaned against my mouth, his hardness pressing against my core.

“You spark a need in me that’ll never be satisfied. Even if we made love a million times, I’d never get enough of you.”

Placing my hands against his cheeks, I smiled as my ring shimmered in the sun. “That’s exactly how I feel. It drives me mad sometimes.” I thrust my hips against his and bit my lip. “So, what do you say? We have a few more minutes of daylight.”

Carter nipped my bottom lip and smiled. “I love you so much, Emma.”

“I love you too,” I murmured, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I’m ready for the day I can call you my husband.”

Carter’s eyes glistened in the retreating sun. “That’s the best title I could ever have.”


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