Page 48 of Teach Me Sweetly

“I did. Here, my resignation letter. Sign it,” I snap, watching him sign the paper and put it on action.

“You’re gonna regret it,” he says, but his voice turns to groan when Jake’s fist makes contact with his face.

I smirk. “Never.”

“You’re just like me. You wanted a piece of her for yourself. How are we any different?” he yells.

Stopping in my tracks, I turn to face him.

I wait for shame and guilt to find me, but they don’t. Instead, things become clear.

Even if I'm at fault for having a sexual relationship with a student, I'm in a different position. I've fallen in love with Eva, and I know she loves me, too. I could never ever do anything to hurt her. But that piece of shit… I fist my hands.

I’m nothing like him.

Eva isn’t afraid of me like she was afraid of him.


The only issue with Eva and I are we're two right people in the wrong situation. And I'm going to fix that situation.

“I love her!” I tell him with all the passion I feel in me. “I don’t want a fucking piece of her. I want all of her. I want everything that’s her. I want her in my life, my future.”

I leave the room for Jake to take care of the situation like he said.

As I walk back to my truck, I feel free. Like the teacher role that was forced on me was actually my prison.

Now, I’m back to myself. The guy who hates authority. And I feel good.

Good guy who looks like a bad boy…

I smile at Eva’s words when we first made love.

God, I can be whatever she wants me to be.



It takes me a few seconds to catch up with what happened earlier today when I open my eyes. Turning on the bed, I expect to see Elijah, but the bed is empty. The bathroom door is still open, showing me he’s not in there either.

When I hear some noises from the kitchen, I leave the bedroom. Instead of Elijah, I see Stacey and Jessica in the kitchen.

“Miss Faye? How are you feeling?”

“Do you need anything?”

They ask in unison. Their concern is obvious.

“Jake mentioned there was an incident at school. We were so worried,” Jessica adds.

Their concern feels like a warm blanket over me.

“Where are they?”

“I don’t know. They just left though.”

I nod.