“So things are going well, then?”

“Incredible,” I say. “I was really worried for a while because I couldn’t… I don’t know how to say it. I was worried because she said she wanted the whole deal but only really engaged with the fun. Then she just switched. I wish I could claim credit. She got there herself.”

He shrugs. “Maybe she got there herself because of something you said or did or even just because of who you are. You deserve some credit.”

“I don’t care,” I say, “I just want her to blossom and she is. That’s enough for me.”

“And there’s that because of who you are part,” he says. “Let me know about Gray.”

“What, no lunch?”

He smiles and says, “The calendar on your desk says you have an appointment with Shaylen Investments in thirty minutes. You were going to refuse me anyway.”

“See,” I say. “You’re scary. I’ll try to convince Chrissy because you’re a good guy to have in my debt.”

He chuckles and leaves and I decide to spend the half hour until my meeting shopping online for gifts for my little girl.