Page 2 of Big Daddy

She scoffs, as if at forty-one years old, I somehow don’tknow how to take care of myself. “Keep telling yourself that. But we both know who’s gonna have to cover for you when you work yourself into the ground.”

Guilt gnaws at my stomach. I know she’s just trying to look after me, the way she has since we were kids.

I reach for a peace offering. “How’ve things been around here this week?”

Barbie squints at me, her expression softening as she accepts the olive branch. “Things are good. Numbers are up and the online ads we’ve been running seem to be working—oh, I almost forgot! The new yoga instructor starts this evening.”

“Right, right,” I reply, vaguely recalling an earlier conversation about hiring a new yoga instructor.

“I met up with her right before you came in. She’s young, probably around Crystal’s age, but she seems excited to get to work.”

My niece, Crystal, Barbie’s daughter, is in her junior year of college. I nod like I’m interested in this new employee, trying to keep up Barbie’s good spirits after my earlier brush off.

“She’s very polite,” my sister continues. “I think she’ll fit right in.”

“Good, good,” I say, still passively listening.

“She might still be here. You could probably catch her and introduce—” Barbie interrupts herself with widened eyes. “Wait, no, I didn’t mean that. You’re supposed to be going home.”

“Great idea,” I say, heading for the door before she can backtrack. “I should introduce myself. I am her boss, after all.”

“Benjamin Gold, you get back here!” Barbie calls after me.

I let the door click shut, cutting her off.

I step out into the main area of the gym and sigh. I love my sister to death, but she’s like a dog with a bone. She’s convinced herself that my drive for success has made me into a workaholic. Sure, I work a lot. I also work out a lot. Frankly, the fact that my two main priorities can coexist under the same roof sounds like a win-win to me. I know Barbie would like to see me settled down with a wife and kids, but I’ve yet to meet a woman who’s stirred my passions enough to make me pivot away from my passion for work.

All in all, I’ve lived decently enough for over forty years; I’m sure I’ll live decently enough for another forty, whether or not I ever settle down.

A wave in my peripheral drags me from my thoughts. I turn and see our manager, Moodie, at the entrance to the newly renovated yoga studio, trying to catch my attention. The old man has a wide smile on his face, but that’s not surprising; regulars at the gym have affectionately dubbed him our Jacked Santa Claus, on account of his jovial personality and snow-white beard.

“Have you met Big Ben?” Moodie says to someone standing just inside the studio. “He’s the other co-owner here at Gold Standard.”

I make my way over to the old man. “C’mon, Moodie, you can just introduce me as—”

Words fail me as the young woman he’s talking to sidesteps into the doorway. She’s over a foot shorter than me, placing her eye level at my chest. Her gaze lifts...and lifts...until her large hazel eyes meet mine. Her wavy red hair rests on her shoulders and cascades down her back. I’ve never seen such a beautiful hair color before, and I have to consciously stop myself from reaching out and pinching a lock between my fingers.

I clear my throat and offer my hand. “You can just call me Ben.”

She bites her full bottom lip before taking my hand and slowly shaking it. Her hand is small and soft and warm in my own, and I can’t help but think about how right her palm feels against mine.

“Nice to meet you, Ben. I’m Skyler,” she says with a voice as clear and lovely as windchimes. Her throat shifts as she swallows, and for some reason that shift ignites a small flame in my gut. My gaze travels down over the swell of her breasts, pressed up against her low-cut tank top. I note the slight pinch of her waist, and the beautiful full flare of her hips. Her tight yoga pants wrap perfectly around strong, thick thighs.

My mouth goes dry. I snap my gaze back up to hers, praying she didn’t notice the inappropriate way I just sized up her body.

The pink in her cheeks suggests otherwise...

“Skye just started today,” Moodie says, saving me from having to form my own words. “I can already tell she’s gonna be a great addition to the Gold Standardfamily.”

“Right.” I clear my throat. “Barb said the same thing, so it must be true.” I realize I’ve been shaking Skyler’s hand for far longer than is necessary. When she draws her hand away, my own feels colder than it did before.

“Thank you,” Skyler says, tucking a few wayward strands of hair behind her ear. “I’m looking forward to getting started.”

“Let’s get you set up then!” Moodie says. He cups his palm around his mouth and stage-whispers, “But first, I’ll show you where we keep the good protein bars.”

Skyler giggles at his joke, and I feel my brain short-circuit. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an intoxicating sound, sweetness mixed with amusement. A husky laugh escapes my chest, surprising all three of us. I turn it into a cough.

“It was nice meeting you, Skyler.” I start to move away from them. She looks up at me with those big doe eyes, her expression so open and curious that I have to look away. “I’ve got some work to finish up...”