Page 38 of Big Daddy

“You sure you don’t want me to fix you a plate?”

“No, thanks.” She rises from the couch and brushes away the last of the tears on her face. “I’ll come bug you another day... If that’s okay with you, I mean.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

I walk her to my apartment door and give her hand a squeeze as we say goodbye. She walks down the hallway, and even from the back she looks lighter, less burdened, than she did when she arrived. I wait until she’s fully out of sight before I close the door and lean back against it.

Barely a second later, my bedroom door opens and Ben steps out.

“Everything go okay?” he asks.

I smile. “Yeah, everything’s all right.”

He runs a hand over his stubbled jaw. “So, are you two all made up now?”

“Not fully.” I push away from the door and move toward him. “But I’m confident we’ll get there, eventually.”

Ben opens his arms to me and pulls me close.

“That’s good,” he mutters against my forehead.

I soak up his warmth and affection, letting all of my worries melt away in his arms. Knowing the walls in my apartment are paper-thin, I ask, “So, how much of that did you hear?”

“Enough.” He pulls back just enough to meet my gaze. “You’re a kind soul, Skyler Holt.”

I laugh and shake my head.

“It’s true,” he insists. “You didn’t have to accept Crystal’s apology, but you did. Because you have a caring heart.”

“Do I?” I tease.

“Yes, you do. I see it every time I look at you.”

My ribcage suddenly feels too small for my chest. “Can you see what my heart is saying right now?”

Ben tilts his head. “I believe it’s saying you want breakfast.”

“Close.” I rise onto my tiptoes and brush my lips against his ear. “It’s saying, I love you, Daddy.”

Before he can reply, I jump back from him and dip into the kitchen.

“Now,” I say, rubbing my hands together. “Let’s take a look at this breakfast you completed. I’m still not entirely convinced you didn’t burn it.”

Ben steps up behind me and rests his hands on my hips. “Hey, I’ll have you know, I learned from the best.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” I dip my fork into the pan of eggs and slide a bite of cheesy goodness into my mouth.

“How is it?” Ben asks, looking a little anxious.

“It’s delicious!” I moan before spearing another bite and holding it up for Ben to taste.

A contemplative look graces his masculine features as he chews and then swallows. He grins. “Well, damn. That might be the best damn egg I’ve ever eaten.”

“I think I’ll just have you cook me breakfast every morning from now on.”

Ben pulls me in for a soft, sensual kiss that makes my pulse break into cartwheels.

“I’ll make you anything your heart desires, Baby Bird.”

Gazing into Ben’s eyes, I see the love there, clear as glass. And I know, without a doubt, that he means every word.