Page 5 of Big Daddy

“Wow, Skye, can you think of any more depressing topics today?” I say to my empty apartment.

Before my dad passed, I would’ve called myself an optimist. But on days like today, it feels like an uphill battle just to smile. My dad wouldn’t want me to let his loss derail my plans for the future. So I keep pushing myself in his memory, keep going to class, keep trying new recipes that I think he’d enjoy. It’s the same with my new job; I enjoy teaching yoga, but mostly I just want the distraction of having somewhere to be, where there are people counting on me.

I realized too late that the “Gold” in Gold Standard Fitness referred to the owners’ surname. Crystal’s full last name is Gold-Faber, but she went by Crystal Faber more often than not for the sake of convenience. She mentioned her family’s gym a few times in passing, but it’s not like we ever visited the place, and I’ve only spoken to her mother a couple of times.

Part of me wonders if I should quit and look for another position at a different gym. But honestly, I like the vibe at Gold Standard Fitness. The yoga studio is bright and airy, and the manager, Moodie, is like the jolly bodybuilding grandpa I never had. I’ve only worked one shift, but I can already tell I’m going to like it there.

And then there’s Ben.

My cheeks heat up as I picture his handsome face and the intensity in his stare. The way his dark, hard-set eyes slowly dragged down my body set off fireworks between my legs. Even thinking about it now makes my inner muscles throb with arousal. He’s just so...big. At least a foot taller than me, with biceps so big, they test the stitching of his tee shirt. I doubt my fingertips would touch if I wrapped both of my hands around one of his arms.

I wonder if he’s big in other places, too. Tall guys usually are, right? I might be a virgin, but I know my way around a search engine...

“Stop it, Skye,” I scold myself, striding into my bedroom to change into a blue tank top and black yoga pants. I shouldn’t be thinking this way about my boss. He’s old enough to be my dad, and he’s related to Crystal. I certainly don’t need any additional complications in my life right now. Still, I can’t deny the way my body reacts to his presence. Even now my thighs can’t help but squeeze together as I recall how small my hand felt when he shook it.

I’m not a small person. If anything, I’m used to being the biggest girl in a room. I’ve never been called dainty, and the closest I’ve come to feeling graceful is when I’m performing a challenging yoga pose. But standing in front of Ben, I felt almost...delicate. Like a porcelain teacup placed on a high shelf, reserved only for special occasions.

Pulling on my gym shoes, I catch a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror. Although nothing has changed about my appearance, something about my reflection is different.

Special. That’s how I feel, how Ben’s attention makes me feel...

I leave my apartment with a spring in my step, feeling more like my old upbeat self than I have in a while.