Page 104 of Finding Home

The way she sobbed into my chest, the way her body shook uncontrollably; it hurt me so fucking deep in my heart. I have every intention of finding out just what the fuck’s going on with those assholes. I need to know why they think they can harass her, and if there is money, there’s not a chance in hell those assholes will get it. I don’t care if it’s one dollar or a hundred million, it’ll go to Kit and Jack if it’s the last thing I do.

I haven’t even broached the subject of my own net worth with her. Not after the way she flipped out when I rashly made that offer.

That was my bad, I should’ve known better, but no matter what, it doesn’t negate the eighty million or so in title winnings and gym income that sits comfortably in my bank.

She’ll never have to worry about money again, but I know better now than to just offer it up. I have to ease her into it, so to speak.

I’m a simple man – I lived in a simple home much like the one Kit owns. I drive my old Rav, because I love it. I take my lunch to the gym most days, because a man can only eat so much grease in the middle of a gym day before he falls on his face from exhaustion.

My most expensive hobby is tattoos, my most time-consuming is Kit.

If she ever decides she wants more, she only has to ask. It’s all there waiting for her. I don’t need the cash. But I know that’s not who she is. I grew up humbly. My parents worked their asses off for us, and when my dad died, my mom had to buck up and do better. We never went hungry, but I know they struggled.

Sensing Kit nearby, I turn and watch them exit the kitchen together. I didn’t even realize how fucking tense I was until my chest loosened at the sight of her laughing.

She sits back down beside me, and leaning in, I greedily suck in her perfume until my body releases every last ounce of anxiety. Placing my hand on her thigh, I lean in and press a kiss to her temple. “I missed you, babe,”

My heart feels lighter, my chest less tight, and my stomach more relaxed just by having her near. I don’t even know exactly at what point I became so dependent on her presence in my life, but if she disappeared from it now, I’d be destroyed.

I place my arm around her shoulder, pull her into my side, and we settle back in to enjoy a heaped serving of chocolate mud cake.

After saying our goodbyes and spending an eternity while Mom smothered us in hugs and kisses at her front door, we escape her house a little after nine, and I find myself sitting on the edge of our bed soon after as Kit undoes all the work she put into getting ready hours earlier.

She slides the gold bangle off her wrist and unclasps her watch from the other, and while I watch with narrowed eyes, I realize I’ve yet to buy her a single piece of jewelry.

Soon. I’m fixing that shit soon.

I know she doesn’t need it. No doubt she’ll chew my ass out for it, butIneed it. I want it. I want to see my mark on her. I want to see something of mine touching her every minute of every day, and when she looks at it, I want her to think of me.

I should just make her tattoo my name across her ass.

Sliding her shorts down her legs, then her top, she walks around in her bra and panties as she prepares for bed. She’s so ridiculously alluring, in her plain cotton underwear, their simplicity sends my dick pulsing and searching.

She putters around the room, unaware that I’m watching and waiting. “Hey, baby?”

She turns to me with a smile. “Hmm?”

“Was tonight okay? Did my mom give you a hard time in the kitchen?”

“Oh no, not at all.” She turns back to the mirror to remove her earrings. “She was so lovely, and she wasn’t mean at all.” With a final glance at her reflection, she turns and walks until she stops between my legs. Her navel stops in line with my eyes, her hips somehow stop in my hands. “She’s so nice.”

I lean forward and drop a kiss just over her mascot ink. “Thank you for coming.” Then I lay a second kiss on her belly. “I’m so happy you guys met, and that the world didn’t end.”

She smirks and scratches her nails over my scalp. “Thank you for inviting me… I heard some things in the kitchen,” she teases. “Some of your secrets.”

“Did she tell you I wet the bed when I was nine? Because it was one time, and it was after a big night of soda.”

She snickers and pulls my face into her belly. “You’re so silly.” Pulling back, her eyes meet mine. “She told me you used to go over to her house every single Wednesday for dinner. And that you still kiss her hello and goodbye. She said you pooped in the bath more times than any one baby should. Then she dropped the bomb.”

“Bigger than the poop thing?”

“She told me you bought that house for her.”

“Because I was a baby… I couldn’t control my bowels.”

“Bobby…” She steps back with a lifted brow. “The house?”

I laugh. “Fine, but it wasn’t just me, it was a gift from us all. A year after we opened the gym, we pooled our money to buy it for her. Our way of saying thanks, you know, for being awesome. For working so hard for so long.”