Page 11 of Finding Home



Vanishing Act

I’m such a fucking idiot.

Tell the girl she’s pretty.Check!

Snap at her and scare her half to death.Double dumbass check.

The message might’ve been correct, but my delivery was awful. This beautiful girl next to me is hotter than hell, but the sadness and self-consciousness in her eyes dims her light. And I know down to my bones that she wasn’t always this withdrawn. I saw the fire when she wanted to murder her best friend. I see the way she sits, slumped in, as though she’s not quite comfortable in her own skin. I’d bet my old car and my entire bank account that she’s gained weight recently.

“So, about me…” Pretend I wasn’t a dick. Charm her. Make her smile again. “Umm, I don’t know, you’ve really put me on the spot here…”

She smiles shyly – thank God! – so I ride the momentum. “Okay, so, you’ve already met my brothers, sort of.” I point over my shoulder, but I watch her twinkling eyes. “What’s so funny?”

She hesitates for only a moment. “Brothers or bru–”

“Bruthas?” I press my fist to my chest when she smiles. “Your friend already used that one. Three of us are actually related. Me, Aiden, and Jimmy, and then there’s Jon, who I’ve known as long as you’ve known Tink. He’s my best friend. Brother by choice.”

She turns in her stool so we’re facing each other properly. I’d like to step between her legs. Chest to chest. Eye to eye. “I can definitely see family resemblance,” she murmurs. “Even Jon could pass as related.” Her eyes meet mine. “Similar smile.”

“He has a nice smile, yeah?”

She laughs softly and looks down at her drink. Victory never tasted so sweet as when she nods without looking back up. She thinks I have a nice smile. And hers is definitely beautiful. Every now and again I get a glimpse of shallow dimples, but they only come out when she smiles big. It’s like the best punch to the gut every time I see them.

“Okay.” I step another inch closer and play with a single lock of silky hair that sits on her shoulder. “To continue my riveting life story, I’m twenty-six years old, I have a January birthday. I’m a personal trainer at the local fight gym, and so are the guys, well except Jimmy. Jimmy builds houses during the day and comes to the gym every night. Unlike you, I actually really love my job…”

She watches my hand play with her hair, then her eyes slide along my wrist, up my forearm and bicep, and stops on my shoulder. Yeah, I’ll be working out harder tomorrow if she promises to see me again.

When she realizes she’s staring and her face flames red, I let her off the hook easily. I don’t want her to be embarrassed. I want her to be comfortable. I want her to stay here with me for hours. “What else? I don’t have a girlfriend, ex or otherwise.” I grin at her. “I drive a Rav4 that’s almost as old as we are, but it’s a beast and probably won’t ever die. My mom’s awesome and raised us alone, since my dad died when I was a kid. She’s the strongest woman I know…” I wonder what else I should add, but when Kit backs up an inch and I lose her eyes, I realize my rookie mistake.

Talking about your mom the first time you meet a girl. What the fuck is the matter with me?Damage control. Fix it!“Umm… I have no illegitimate children or baby mamas floating around.”Idiot!I’m losing her. I thrust my hand out in demand before she runs away. “Dance with me.” It’s not a question.

She hesitates and looks at my hand, then her drink, then back to me.

Come on, pretty girl, take my hand.

She looks back to her drink, stares for a long second, and as though making up her mind, she finally picks it up and drinks it quickly. She places the glass back on the bar with a crack and stands up. “Alright, let’s dance.”

When fully standing with her beautiful warm hand in mine, I realize she’s much taller than I thought. Maybe five-nine? Not as tall as me, but in heels, she’s not far below my eye level.

I like it.

I turn and lead her to the dance floor, and reaching the center without a word, I spin her around, take her hip, and pull her close. She formally rests her hand on my shoulder as though we’re in high school, like we’re nervous at prom. I don’t like that shit, so I let go of her hand, grab her hips, and yank her body against mine.

The force behind my move sends a yelp from her plump lips, her breath over my face, and her hands up around my neck; and what do you know, we fit perfectly.

It takes her only a moment before she relaxes in my arms and rests her head on my shoulder. Her fingers thread through the hair at the back of my neck, and the light scratching of her nails on my skin sends tingles straight to my groin.

The DJ plays a song by the Goo Goo Dolls while Kit and I slow dance in the middle of a packed club. With her succulent body pressed against mine, her soft chest on mine, as each new song begins, our steps don’t change. We’re in a world of our own and I never want to leave.

“What’s your full name, Kit?”

Her soothing nails freeze for only half a beat before she resumes. “Catherine Maree Reilly.”

“What’s your favorite color?”