Page 116 of Finding Home

“Stop lying to me!”

“I’m not lying!” If she wants to scream in my face, then I’ll return it. Fuck this bitch for hurting me. Fuck her for what she did to Iz. “What do you think this is? Hollywood? Is your name Bonnie and his name Stupid? You can’t justransompeople, Rita.Especiallywhen the person you’re attempting to sell me to broke up with me last week! You’re both dumber than a bag of fucking rocks.” I want to go home. I want to see Bobby. And Ineedto see Iz. And the guys. And Tink.

“Last chance for you, bitch.” Her rancid breath burns my nostrils. She turns to Chris. “Call again. If he doesn’t answer, we end it and walk away. She’s useless to us if he doesn’t want her.”

My heart pounds at the finality in her tone, and my stomach sinks at her unspoken promises. She’s going to hurt me. More than I’m already hurt. Way more.

Chris dials and my world slows to a crawl…

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

‘Hi. You’ve reached Bobby. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.’

He didn’t answer.

It’s over.

Face falling as though genuinely disappointed, she turns to me and sighs. After a contemplative minute where she simply studies my prone form hunched over on the ground, she turns to the makeshift kitchen and fumbles around in the sink. My lip curls as she digs around in the filthy dishes with her bare hands, but then she turns back with a knife – the blade is long and narrow, almost as long as my forearm. Heat fills my stomach and sends me heaving. My heart tries to desert me, every man for its self, when I realize what she intends to do.

She slowly moves forward like a big cat stalking a tiny mouse; a mouse that has its arm tied to a heater. I’m the fucking mouse. “Okay, listen up.” Her voice is equal parts smug and jittery. “This is how it’s gonna–”

“Where’s Aunt Renee?” I don’t really want to listen to the ‘this is what we’re doing, and this is why’ stuff, because that usually precedes the painful stuff. I don’t want explanations. I don’t want a play-by-play.

She tilts her head to the side curiously. “Mom’s at home watching her shows.”

“Renee has nothing to do with this?”

“That’s what I just said, dummy. I mean, she started it.” She scoffs. “She thought she was some kinda Sherlock Holmes when she got your dad to sign those papers, but obviously that shit didn’t pay out, did it? She’s a dumbass just like you.”

“She’ll go to prison for that, you know that, right?” I actually have no clue if that’s true, but I’m running out of material and the fire in my shoulder burns hotter every second I sit here.

“Yeah, probably, dunno.” She shrugs. “Not my problem.”

“Whose plan was this? What did you actually think would happen?”

“Well, we planned on your man buying you back. He’s so rich, he has more money rolled up and put away in his sock drawer than any of those policies ever would’ve paid out. Loads of spare cash to buy his whore back.”

“Rich?” My brows pull in tight. “How do you know he’s rich? I don’t even know he’s rich!”

“Ever heard of the internet, you dummy? He’s worth millions, like a hundred million. Don’t you ever look in his damn undie drawer?”

No. I don’t.

“He owns that gym, he owns his house, he fights professionally, duh! Then Milla sold him that ring, and we thought, Bingo! Dumbass is whipped.”

“Milla?” Tears float in my vision. “What ring?”

“Milla from school. She used to live down the street when we were kids. She works over at Davidson Jewelers now, and she told me how hunky Bobby Kincaid and his brothers came into the store and bought a big ass rock. Maybe it wasn’t for you?” she muses. “Nah, ‘cause she said Jack was there, too. That would’ve been awkward as hell if it wasn’t for you. She said he spent a packet, no credit, and it was for a diamond. A real one.” She makes the‘meh’face and shrugs. “Maybe he changed his mind. You’re just so…” She scrunches her nose. “You. Wouldn’t take much for him to get bored. If you didn’t look him up on the net yet, then you probably didn’t see all the chicks who pant after him. I love you, cuz,”no, she doesn’t,“but his other options are a hell of a lot prettier than you.”

She smiles down at me and flicks her tongue on her teeth obnoxiously. “So, since you’re about as useful as balls on a dildo, and I can’t just let you go, you know, because you’ll call the cops and shit, we’ll just get started.”

“Whoa, get started on what?” I jerk backwards to escape her reach, but my shoulder protests and sends agonizing pain searing through my muscle. I don’t know what the hell they did to me, but either my shoulder is getting worse, or the shock and numbness is wearing off.

“Well, first I’m gonna cut you,” she smirks casually, “because you’ve always been a stuck-up bitch. You get the pretty house, the good job, then your ass lands your man.” She rolls her eyes. “You always get lucky, so I’m here to fix it. Your daddy always told us that we have to work hard to do well, but everything keeps being handed to you and it’s pissing me off. So, cut you, because I just don’t like you. Then we’ll… dispose of you.”

“You… What? This isn’t a movie! This is real life. You can’t just hurt me.”