Page 119 of Finding Home

My worst nightmare has come to life.

“Fuck! FUCK!” I thread fingers through my hair and yank to relieve pressure in my brain. I need a release. I need to think straight. I hold the bracelet up for the guys to see, but all I get is the same reaction from Jack.


“There are drag marks in the snow.” I choke on the bile burning my throat. “And blood.” I want to sob. “Where is she?”

“Let’s go to Jonah’s.” Aiden turns away from her car easily. Like his whole fucking world isn’t collapsing down around him. It’s not.Mywhole world is. “Someone might’ve seen her, then we’ll take it from there.”

I want to fuck him up for not being more terrified.

Like I am.

I feel like I can’t piece together whole thoughts, like my brain is mid malfunctioning seizure. My skull feels too small, my brain needs more space and is going to burst out of my eyes and ears.

“Bobby!” Jon grabs my arm on a run and drags me toward my car. Snapping back to focus, back to the dark night, to the snow, to the freezing cold air, I sprint forward and jump into the back next to Jack, and Aiden peals out of the lot.

The five-minutes it takes to speed across town helps realign my thoughts until they’re tunneled. My sole purpose: to find Kit and make her safe. “Should we call the police?” Common sense is starting to filter in.

“They know,” Aiden answers. “That dickwad at the hospital asked what was up, and we told him what we know. He suggested we file a report, tomorrow, twenty-four hours after she’sallegedlymissing.”

“Fucking asshole.”

“Yeah, but he’s a problem for another day. They won’t help us tonight, so we find her ourselves.”

We pull up at Jonah’s store and I jump out and race inside before Aiden has the keys out of the ignition. The guys catch up to me just inside the warm store as cash registers‘beep!’to our right. I look around in search of a familiar face. Old man Jonah isn’t anywhere, but his daughter, Belle, stands by the magazine rack.


She turns toward our group, her surprise at being shouted at turns to a sultry smile as we get closer. “Aw, hey Bobby, where’s Jimmy tonight?”

“Busy. Have you seen Kit tonight? She came in earlier.”

She twirls long blonde hair around her finger and pops her gum. “Yeah, I saw her a few hours ago. Are you two fighting?” She wags her finger at me like I’m a child. “Because she was upset, ‘specially when she was talking to that other chick. Jesus, you didn’t cheat on her, did you?”

“Who was she talking to, Belle? Did you hear anything? Did she say anything to you?”

“No, she didn’t say anything to me. I didn’t serve her, she was in Jenny’s line. But I could tell she was upset, because this other chick, she had venom in her eyes. I’ll tell ya, Bobby, I don’t blame her one bit for running out of here after they spoke.”

“Kit was upset?”

“Definitely. The bitchy one was mean as a snake. They rammed carts and had words. The bitchy one went outside and gave Kit the eyes, you know?” She stretches her eyes wide and stares me down. “It was mean. I kept an eye out, but she just stood on the sidewalk and spoke on the phone. That was it. The bitchy one didn’t buy anything; her cart was empty and I had to get Jenny to put it back where it’s s’posed to go, since the bitch left it out.”

“What did she look like? The other one. Young or old?”

“She was younger. Really young. Like, I’m not even sure if she can legally drink. She was kinda short, shorter than Kit anyhow, but that’s not hard. She’s lovely and tall, huh? I’d kill for those legs.”

Focus!“What else did she look like?”

Belle’s brows pull in tight as she attempts to rub two brain cells together. “Umm, like I said, kinda short. Long brown hair, but it was tied up high in a ponytail. She was wearing jeans two sizes too small; she wasn’t overweight, but the jeans were painted on. I guess she likes showing off what she’s got. And boots. She was wearing really nice boots that go to her knees.”

“Anything else? Can you think ofanythingelse to describe her?”

“Nope.” She pops her gum with a smile like she’s waiting for a gold star. “Just what I said.”

“I think… I think she’s talking about Rita.” Jack steps forward until his shoulder brushes mine. “Our cousin, Rita.”

“Yes! That was her name! How’d you know?”