Page 132 of Finding Home



Iturn in an instant, stunned, and stare. After almost a full month, her blue eyes flutter open and closed, and for the seconds they’re open, they’re on mine.

She’s terrified. But she’s awake.

“Baby.” I run the few feet separating us, take her good hand in one of mine, and crush the emergency call button with the other. “Baby. You’re awake? How are you feeling? Are you hurting?” I cry into her neck. “Don’t move, okay? The doctor will come and help you. Please don’t move, baby. Oh God, you’re awake.”

Except for the day my dad was buried, after leaving my toddler years, I’ve never cried a day in my life, but nowadays, I’m a crying mess. This is what she does to me.

“What happened?” Her voice is dry and gravelly and painful. Jesus, I don’t know if she’s allowed water.

I pump the call button and squeeze her good hand.Please, won’t somebody hurry?“You’re okay, baby. You had a rough time and got hurt. But you’re okay now, you’re safe.” I brush the hair from her face as a tear drips from the end of my nose. “I promise you’re safe now. I’m so sorry, baby. So fucking sorry. I should’ve protected you, but you did it yourself. You got yourself out of danger. I’m so sorry.”

I can’t stop fucking crying. Or apologizing. And I feel like an even bigger asshole now, because her hand comes over my head and weakly runs through my hair.

She’s comforting me.

Pull yourself together you fucking pussy. Support her!

“Bobby, move aside, honey.” The nurse leans in close to get a look at Kit. “Hi! My name is Terese. I’m your nurse for today. Welcome to our fine establishment.” Her voice is loud and cheery, but Kit stares at her in confusion. “I’m so happy to officially meet you. Bobby here, bless that boy’s heart, wouldn’t stop talking about your eyes. I wanted to see them for myself.” She skillfully pushes me out of the way. “He sure was right, such a beautiful blue, and so big. Could you just follow this light, sweetpea? Good girl.” She shines a pen light and moves it around Kit’s face. “How do you feel? Are you in pain?”

“I…” She stops and coughs painfully. “Can I have water? Thirsty.”

“Yeah honey, you can have water. Bobby?”

I’m already there, cup and straw ready to go. “Here baby. Drink slow.”

She takes three long draws and almost empties the cup before pulling back. Her scared eyes turn watery as Terese pokes at her shoulder. “What happened to me?”

“Um…” I look to Terese in question, but with a kind nod, she gives me permission. I sit on the edge of the seat beside Kit’s bed – my bed for the last three and a half weeks.

I haven’t slept at home once while Kit’s been here. I tried, but within an hour of climbing in all alone, I got out again and drove back up here. I couldn’t sleep without her. I couldn’t leave her here all alone.

I take the hand on her good arm, the hand with an IV bruising her poor skin, and rub my thumb along the inside of her palm. “Baby. It’s December 29th.” I wait for the recognition in her scared eyes. “You’ve been asleep for a little over three weeks.”

“Where’s Jack?” She squirms as though she wants to get out of bed and chase him down, but with gentle hands, I hold her down before she hurts herself.

“Calm down baby, please. Jack’s fine. He’s here, he’s in the cafeteria with Jim. He’s been with me, or Jim… or Jon or Aiden this whole time. He hasn’t been alone once, I promise. He even stayed with my mom a night or two. They’re practically best friends.”

“He’s okay?” Her big eyes spill over. “He said… He was…”

I lean forward and press my lips to her hand. “What did he say, baby?”

“He said he didn’t want to go to school. He said he was mad at me.”

“When did he say that?”

“I… I don’t know. When I was asleep, I guess.”

“You could hear us?”

“Yeah. Sometimes. Music. You played music for me?”

I swipe a hand across my eyes. I’m so glad she heard the music. “Yeah baby, I brought your music in and left it on shuffle. But don’t worry about Jack. He was good. It’s winter break now. He can start back after the new year.”

She nods gently, as though the movement hurts. “Was Nelly here?”