Page 135 of Finding Home


Six Weeks Later

It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow, but better than that, it’s Lila Royale concert daytoday.

After Bobby reminded me a week ago that it was coming up, I decided to be kind and save him some cash – I’d take him. The wholesave him cashthing is just a flimsy excuse because I want him to come with me. I want to spend my time with him. Even at a girly music concert that he probably won’t enjoy. He offered a million times to get more tickets for Tink or whoever else I wanted to bring, but I said no. Just him. I want to spend my time with just him.

Casey’s pissed. She had an epic tantrum because she loves Lila, too. Especially since we have meet and greet backstage passes –oh my God, I’m meeting Lila Royale tonight!– but her tantrums are almost always just noise. No bite. She’ll be fine, plus, it was Bobby’s birthday last month, and because of my recovery, because we’re still working through what happened in December, it kind of sucked.

He wanted us to forget his birthday altogether, but after a few phone calls with his mom and help from Jack, I scraped together dinner and a cake, and everyone gathered at our house for the evening. Today will be a belated birthday celebration for us both.

Jack also celebrated a birthday last month; his sixteenth birthday didn’t go by forgotten. Similar to Bobby’s, we pulled together a cake and pizza, and we lazed around at our house while the guys watched over me and pretended they weren’t. Bobby and I gave him small gifts on the day, but we have plans to get him a car. I haven’t taken him to the DMV to get his license yet – it’s on my to-do list – but when we do, that’s when we’ll surprise him with his real gift.

Physically, I’m feeling pretty good. My arm is out of the cast, my stitches all gone, my ribs and lung mostly healed. My shoulder is still pretty messed up, but it’s coming along. At least I’m done with the slings and cast for now. It’ll be a while before I get to train again – and that’s only if Bobby ever relaxes enough to allow me back in the gym.

He’s feeling somewhat…protective.

I’m not sure he’ll ever stop, and even if he does, I then have to get past Jack. And Jim. And Jon, and Aiden, and Tink, and Iz.

Basically, I have a whole army of people who treat me like a baby.

I’ve been attending daily physical therapy since I left the hospital, and I’ve been working on regaining the lost weight and muscle tone. Ironically, I’ve now lost too much weight. I get tired a little easier these days, but the doctors say that’ll pass. All in all, I’m feeling pretty damn awesome, considering how far I’ve come, and I have some pretty cool scars left behind from the big night. They’re my battle scars, and I’m okay with them.

At home, I couldn’t be happier. The guys wait on me hand and foot, and I won’t lie – it’s kind of nice. Jack’s grades haven’t slipped, despite having an extended winter break. His training is as focused as ever, and his protective streak a mile wide.

Bobby, on the other hand, is another story. He quit his fight because of me. All that hard work. All of that time. The money and sponsors and career opportunities. All gone.

He forfeited and handed the other guy his belt. Just like that.

And the other guy took it.

The fighting committee are already in talks with Bobby and the other guy, and a rematch is in the pipeline, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t give it all up already.

Because of me.

But you’d never know of the heartbreak with the way Bobby follows behind me everywhere I go. Anything I want, he’s already thought of it. I have an itch, he scratches it. He’s attended most of my physical therapy sessions, and has spent a lot of our downtime on the couch with a laptop in his face and a web browser open to post-injury stretches.

He just wants to help me.

I’ve been off work since December, too long, but my boss has been wonderful. He assures me my job is safe and to come back when I’m ready.

Well, I’m ready.

Bobby’s not. But I am.

As far as we know, Rita, Chris, Renee, and Timms are all behind bars. They’re expected to be sentenced in a few months. The cops taking the case are confident of lengthy sentences, and say they won’t be a problem for us anymore. Fortunately, I rarely think of them. I try to focus on the more positive aspects of my life – I have plenty of those to keep me busy.

That brings us back to it being Lila Royale day today.

I stand in my closet in panties and a bra in search of an outfit for tonight, and like the air pressure in the room changes, my skin prickles as Bobby steps through the door. Knowing he’s nearby, I don’t jump with fright when his strong hands wrap around my hips, nor do I startle when his dick nestles between my ass cheeks.

Instead, I hum and press back against him.

Bobby has been everything for me for months… everything, except intimate.

He’s scared to touch me, even more terrified of hurting me. The first few weeks were understandable. Hell, I could barely stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time, so it was no big deal, but it’s been months and now I’m ready to explode from frustration.

I swear, if he doesn’t fuck me soon, I’m going to take matters into my own hands. I know how to make shit happen, so he better get on board soon.