Page 137 of Finding Home

Walking through the parking lot, Bobby takes my hand and leads me past the long lines of people waiting to collect tickets. I’m giddy with excitement that we have VIP tickets and don’t have to line up.

“Yes! I’m so excited. I can’t believe I get to meet her today. Case is so pissed she can’t come.”

He laughs. “Yeah, she had a few words for me, too. Poor neglected Tink.”

We approach a large man working security on the door, and I worry he’s not going to let us in.

Buuuuuut no!

Adding to my excitement, he and Bobby shake hands like they’ve been practicing since kindergarten.

“Mike! Good to see you, man!”

Maybe they have.

“Bobby, good to see you, too! It’s been a long time.” He steps back and frowns teasingly. “You don’t strike me as a Royal though, B.”

How dare he mock those of us who are, in fact,Royals.

“I’m anything my girl wants me to be.” Bobby’s laughing eyes meet mine. “Mike, this is Kit. Kit, this is Mike. Mike and I used to go to school together, a long ass time ago.”

I extend my hand for a shake, but with a laugh, he pulls me in for a hug. I tense with anxiety. For all my bravado about being all healed up, I’m not. My body still hurts, and a giant bear squishing me is going to be bad.

But he doesn’t.

He holds me gently and drops a soft kiss on my cheek. “It’s nice to meet you, Kit. If you’re a friend of his, then you’re a friend of mine.”

I step back with a smile, but he holds onto my arms for a moment longer. “That’s kind. Thank you, Mike. It’s fun to meet someone he knew when he was a kid. Is it true he still wet the bed when he was thirteen?”

Bobby barks out a laugh and pulls me into his side. “Ignore her. She’s feeling sassy because she didn’t get her own way recently. How’s the baby, Mike? How’s Becky?”

He beams with pride. “They’re good, man. We had a little girl last month. She’s so beautiful, and tiny. We named her Caroline after my mama.”

“And Becky?”

“She was amazing. She handled it like a boss, B. Watching my girl give birth, just…” he shakes his head dreamily, “… just, wow.”

I think I’m a little bit in love with this giant man with whiskey eyes and a buzz cut.

“Congratulations, man. I’m so happy to hear it all went well, and I can’t wait to tell my mom. She’ll be so happy.”

He barks out a laugh. “She already knows. Your mama’s always in the know. You’ll have to thank her again; she sent flowers and itty-bitty clothes.”

Bobby laughs. “I will. And I’m not surprised.”

With a megawatt grin, Mike turns and opens the door. “It was a pleasure to meet you, beautiful Kit. Enjoy the show. You guys have my number, so call if you need anything.”

Bobby leads me in with an arm slung over my shoulders, and as soon as the door closes at our backs, my pulse races with exhilaration. There are peopleeverywhere. They rush around and chatter into earpieces, with arms overflowing withstuff; clothes, fruit, water bottles, folders, phones. Racks of clothes line most walls, and sparkled outfits hang and dare me to touch.

“This way, baby.” Bobby nuzzles my hair and pulls me to the side so we’re not in anyone’s way.

“How do you know where to go? Wait.” I look up at him. “Have you met her before?”

“No, I haven’t. But I was given written instructions with our tickets. We have to go to her dressing room, which I believe is at the end of this hall. Are you ready?”

My heart bangs violently against my ribs. I’m so nervous. God, I hope I’m not a total weirdo in front of her. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.” I’m going to hyperventilate and pass out before I meet her.

“Baby, relax.” He stops us and gently backs me up to the wall. “She’s just a person. She puts her glittery pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. And Mike says she’s cool, so it must be true. But I need you to relax before you hurt yourself.” He lowers his head so we’re eye to eye. “We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to. We can just go out and watch the show. Or we can go home. This is your party, baby, tell me what you want.”