Page 14 of Finding Home

Rushing to the driver’s side door as she climbs in, I grab it before she can close me out. I need more time. Just another second.

Her eyes lock onto mine for a moment, but I don’t see Feisty Kit anymore. Sexy Kit is gone, and even Authoritative Kit is hiding. Now Sad Kit looks back at me.

“Hey, so…” My voice is barely more than a whisper as I lean in close. “Do you think I could call you?”

Surprise flares in her eyes. “Ah, I’m not sure…”

One of the assholes in the back laughs at my rejection, which only has Kit’s head whipping around angrily. He shrinks back from her glare, and when he looks over her shoulder to me, he sinks back into his seat.

Good. Sit the fuck down, asshole.

She puts her car into gear and turns back to me. “I’m sorry, Bobby. I have to go.” Gently, she closes the door. “I’ll see you around.” Backing out before I can appeal, not thirty seconds later, she pulls out into the street and leaves me standing alone in the dark like a punk.

I didn’t get her number. “Fuck!”

I turn back toward the club and storm past people as they spill out the doors. Mike watches me move, but he’s smart enough to step aside without saying a word. I catch Aiden’s eyes as soon as I move into the strobe lit club, and detaching himself from his new friend, he taps Jon’s shoulder, and they meet Jim and me in the center of the dance floor.

“What’s wrong?”

I glare at Aiden, though none of this is his fault. “Who the fuck is Jack?”

His gaze snaps around the room. “Huh?”

I push past him and head straight to the bar. I know who has answers for me. I make a beeline for Tink, and watching us warily, she finishes pouring a beer and steps toward us suspiciously. “What’s wrong? Where’s Kit?”

My body vibrates with a sickening mix of dread and anger. “Who the fuck is Jack?”

Jon slams his hand down on my shoulder in warning. “Watch it, B. Find some fucking respect. Fast.”

Tink isn’t offended by my tone, but she’s wary. She clears her throat awkwardly and peeks up under her lashes. “Ah, Jack… How exactly do you know Jack?”

“Kit,” I spit out angrily, “just left with three big ass guys.”

“What?” Aiden explodes.

“Shit.” She lets out a breathy sigh and sets her hands on the bar. “The three guys, one of them was Jack?” When I nod, she lets out a low whistle. “Okay yeah, she’s fine. She’s safe. Jack on the other hand, is deep in the shit.”

Then it hits me. “Is Jack her ex?”

“Her ex?” She laughs. “Not even a little bit. But, like I said, she’s safe. Just let it go.”

“Let it go?” Is she insane? “Give me her number, T? You’d be doing me a huge favor–”

She smirks, though she’s not really teasing. “I’m sure I would, but no, I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re a stand-up guy, Jon says you are, but I just can’t.”

I stand across the bar from the tiny gate keeper for several long beats, but she doesn’t crack. “Fuck!” I turn on my feet and push past my brothers.

I feel sick to my stomach.

I had something, and then I lost it.