Page 33 of Finding Home

He laughs and lays back to bring his knees to his chest. “Yeah, you’re allowed to bet, but probably don’t bet on me to lose, just in case I actually do. Someone in that ten dollar syndicate might think the fight was fixed.”

“Will you lose?”

He turns his head to flash an arrogant grin. “No. I never lose, but maybe just save your money. I might choke under the pressure of your ten dollars. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing that was my fault.”

I nod, but the smile can’t be wiped from my face. “Okay. I really should invest it instead.”

“Exactly. Smart move.”

“I could buy a whole week’s worth of ramen with that. That’s an investment in Jack’s future.”

He chuckles distractedly. “So, umm… I was hoping to ask–”

I jump a foot off the ground when the double doors slam open. Jimmy walks in first – the door slammer – then Jack and the rest of the guys follow right behind.

Jimmy stops barely half a foot in front of me and looks down with a playful grin. “How’d you go, Kitty Cat? Kick his ass?”

“Kitwent well,” Bobby snaps, but his momentary scowl turns to a proud smile. “She really did well, actually. Fast learner, didn’t whine.” His playful eyes meet mine. “Out loud. She kept up, and her reach is amazing. Seriously, dibs.”

Jimmy snorts and helps pull me to my feet. “Thinks he has dibs. Doesn’t know shit.”

Jon steps forward when Bobby starts barreling toward Jim. “So, you’ll come back, right?”

“Yeah, I guess. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”

“You watch those classes land on our backs,” Jim laughs. “Suddenly, he’ll be too busy.”


He grins at Bobby’s snarling face. “She’ll be back, B. She promised.”I didn’t promise.“That makes you family now, KitCat. Welcome.”

“Jimmy! Can you shut up?” Bobby attempts to move around Jon, but with a playful grin of his own, Jon steers Jimmy away from our group.

“Say goodbye, James. Time for your nap or something.”

“What did I do?” He fights Jon’s hold. “I meant the Rollin family! Geez, don’t be so friggin sensitive, people!” His voice trails off as they walk through the door.

Aiden turns back to me with a soft chuckle. “I’m really glad you enjoyed your session, Kit. We hope to see more of you and Jack around here.” He turns on his heel and follows the other guys out, which leaves just Jack, me, and Bobby alone in the big room.

“So, what are you guys up to now?”

“Gotta go home,” I answer quickly. “It’s a school night. Gotta eat and do homework.” Mostly I’m just scared of him finishing the sentence he began when the guys interrupted us.

“Okay, yeah, school night, forgot…”

“What about you?” Jack asks. “What are you doing now?”

“Um, classes are finished, we’re closing the gym now, so I’ll be heading home for some dinner, too.”

“Alright, well, we’ll get out of your way.” I turn and collect my stuff from against the wall, pick up the discarded boxing gloves, and pass them to him gently. “Thanks for letting me borrow them.”

“I’ll walk you guys out.” He gestures toward the door, falling into step with me as I start walking. Moving through the gym and flipping off lights as we go, we head through reception and into the dark parking lot. Jack walks ahead and opens my car door as soon as I beep it open.

“See you later, Bobby.”

He nods and waits for Jack to close the car door before he steps closer to me. “So, I’ll see you Wednesday, right?”

“Yeah… I’ll be here.” The last time we were in this position, in a parking lot, in the dark, he kissed me. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since it happened. Will he kiss me again? Do I want him to? I lick my lips, and his penetrating gaze follows the movement.

The answer is yes, I do want him to kiss me again.

But he doesn’t.

His lips curl into a beautiful smirk, and leaning forward, his chest brushes mine when he reaches past and opens my door. “Drive safe, Kit. I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay… Thanks for the lesson. I had fun, even when I was calling you horrible names in my mind.”

He leans forward with a playful smile and drops a soft kiss on my cheek. “Sweet dreams.”