Page 38 of Finding Home

“Okay, well I think it’s a good idea,” Jim says seriously. “It’ll keep him out of trouble while she works, and–” His eyes widen. “Shit. Did I make it worse with my teasing earlier? I was just playing.”

“It’s cool. I think she actually likes you.” Fuck knows why. “But I’m pissed at your bullshit lately. You make me look like a little bitch too often.”

“Don’t be jealous because your girlfriend wishes she could see me naked.”

I throw my fist out half assed, but he skips out of the way easily. “She’s not my girlfriend. Dick.”

“So she’s a free agent? Good news. I’m free Friday night, and you wouldn’t mind babysitting her kid, right? That’s what friends do.”

Aiden, the mature brother in a trio of idiots, steps between us before I go all hulk smash on my smartass brother. “Did you already tell Kit about your plan?”

“No, I wanted to talk to you guys first. Then we’ll call her.”

“Okay, well it’s agreed.” He gestures toward the front desk. “So, go call her.”

“Ah, yeah. No. I was hoping you’d call.”

“Me? Why? She’s your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I repeat when Jimmy snorts. “And because she likes you. She’ll respond to you differently than if I call her. Please?”

“Fuck. Okay. What’s her number? You pussy.” He walks toward the front desk, and I rattle off her number as he picks up the phone. I’ve never actually called her, but I’ve typed it into my phone a hundred times. I chicken out at the end, every damn time, but I’ve typed those digits so often, I know them verbatim.

Jimmy snickers at my back, since I know my non-girlfriend’s phone number by heart. He’s such an asshole, but I ignore him. I’d much rather listen to Aiden speak to her, so I walk toward the front desk and lean against the wall.

“Hey Kit, its Aiden Kincaid, from the gym. Sorry to bother you…”

“Yeah everything’s fine. Listen, Bobby told us about Jack fighting…”

“I know, yeah I know, sorry…” Aiden runs a hand through his dark hair in frustration. “But Bobby’s right, this is our gym and we have rules. Fighting outside the gym is not allowed…”

“What? No, we’re not kicking him out! Slow down, hon. Everything’s okay. It’s just that, it’s our rule, and since he broke it, he needs consequences. We thought, since he can’t go to school for the next two days, he can come in here and work. Some good honest labor. Wiping down equipment, sweeping floors, that sort of thing…”

“Yeah, we understand. You gotta work… so bring him in here. It’s better than him being home alone.”

“Honestly, it's cool…”

“Okay, perfect. Drop him in on your way to work, and pick him up on the way home. We’ll keep him honest in the meantime. Okay, yeah, goodnight, hon, see you tomorrow.”

Aiden lets out a shaky sigh when he hangs up. “Fuck, I think I almost made her cry.” His eyes come up to mine. “She thought I was calling to kick him out of the gym. I feel like a prick for making her worry.” He steps around the desk and bumps his shoulder on mine on the way past. “By the way, gym rules or not, you’re deep in the shit for snitching to me.” He walks back to the boxing ring with a laugh, but I don’t even care.

I’ve just scored myself another Kit hit tomorrow. Twice tomorrow. Then twice more on Friday.

Nothing can bring me down.

“Hey Bobby, do you think Kit prefers red roses and wine, or beer and tacos in the Jeep? Just planning our date…”