Page 49 of Finding Home

I open my mouth to taste, but he cruelly pulls back. “So we’re clear? I want you, you want me? No games, no sharing. Right?”

“Right.” Please, just fucking kiss me now.

Thankfully, mercifully, with a satisfied smirk, he leans forward and finishes what he started. His warm tongue playing against mine sends me hurtling back to the parking lot on the night we met two months ago. His plump lips envelop me, taste me, crush me back against the wall until I let out a groan of pleasure and a halfway-there orgasm.

I tighten my arms around his thick neck and brush my fingers through his hair. It’s so soft and grabbable. His hands are full, so he can’t touch me, but I can touch him.

I run them along his broad shoulders, down to his chest, and thrill at his solid muscles and the way they twitch in response to my touch. Bobby’s teeth nip at my bottom lip, opening me to him while our chests beat together in sync. His breath is so warm and sweet, like he ate strawberry candy and something with cinnamon while I was gone.

Starving for more, I pull him tighter against me and bring his head lower. I’m tall, but in this moment, not tall enough. I curse the drinks he holds instead of me, but I don’t dwell. I push my tongue against his to taste more, and he pushes back, meeting me stroke for stroke while his heavy chest crushes mine.


Pausing like a deer caught in headlights, my spine stiffens and my hands freeze. Remembering where I am – in a damn parking lot at the entrance to a gym – I jump back from Bobby so fast, I slam against the wall and gasp as the oxygen rushes from my body.

“Shit, babe.” Casey jumps forward, though she laughs like a hyena. “Are you okay?”

I press a hand over my throbbing chest. “Jesus, Case! What the hell are you doing sneaking around in the dark?”

She smirks easily and runs her tongue along her teeth. “I’m here for pizza and sexy fighters. You knew I was coming.”

“Well… yeah. But did you sprint here? I only texted you a minute ago.”

“No. You texted me ages ago, and now I’m here.” She holds up a shopping bag of ice-cream bars. “See?”

“This is who you were texting when I came out?”

My eyes snap to Bobby’s smug grin. “Umm… yeah.” It almost sounds like a question, and now he’s laughing at me too. “Whatever, I’m going inside. I’m hungry.”

I try to push past, but Bobby stops me with a hand on my arm. “Hold on a sec, babe.” He turns to look at Casey. “Hey Tink. Good to see ya. Now get lost.”

The CaseyIknow would scour this parking lot for the thickest piece of timber she could find and she’d smack him over the head for his dismissal, butthisCasey, this new and weird Casey, simply smiles at him, grabs the drinks from his arms, and walks away. “Have fun, kids. Wear a condom.”

Where has my best friend gone? Who did this to her?

As soon as she’s gone, I find my back pressed against the wall and Bobby’s face in mine. With his hands now empty, they wrap around my hip and hold me rooted to the spot. Pressing a dry kiss to my lips, then another to the soft spot behind my ear, he stands with his face in my hair and his breath bathing my neck.

After a long minute where I wonder if he canfeelmy heartbeat in the air, he reluctantly steps back. “Alright babe, let’s go in. The fight probably already started.”

He’s right. It probably has. The pizza’s probably all gone, and God knows what Jack’s doing in all this unsupervised freedom. I let him take my hand and twine his fingers in mine, and stepping through the doors, we move toward the room that contains the boxing ring.

Jack sits against the ropes lazily with a whole pizza box on the canvas in front of him.

Mental note: leave cash for pizza.

Everyone lazes around inside the ring; sitting, laying, sprawling on the canvas and facing toward a soft screen that’s been hung from the ceiling. It’s not a super sharp picture, but the detail is still clear enough.

Sound comes from the speakers in each corner of the room, the presenters on TV discuss the fighters’ stats. They compare reach, height, weight, and previous fight records, but I simply bow my head low as Jimmy’s troublemaking eyes watch us approach.

Aiden sits beside Jimmy, then Jack, then Jon, then surprise, surprise, Casey with a shared pizza box between them.

Jimmy stands as we move closer, spreads the ropes for me to climb through – taking my hand to help – and snaps the ropes back in front of Bobby’s face.

It’s like he’s not scared of his older, bigger, snarling brother.

Attempting to stifle my laugh as he climbs in without Jim’s help, I sit down next to Case and squeeze my ass into the small leftover gap. She scoots closer to Jon to give me room, but Bobby still stops in front of me with a raised brow. It screams ‘what the fuck!’

“Move your asses, guys. Move a few inches to your left.” Everyone stares at the demanding ass in silence. Eventually he sighs. “Please?”