Page 61 of Finding Home

Tink laughs as Jimmy massages the ball of his shoulder. He’ll learn, eventually. He’s had far too much fun as far as Kit’s concerned, and I’m ready to start some beat downs. Every time we’re all together, he either makes me look like a bitch, or he flirts and kisses her. If I can barely touch her, then he definitely can’t.

Spine tingling awareness sends my eyes skyward just in time to catch sexy heels stopping on the top landing. I’m frozen to the spot. Call it cliché or whatever you want, but I’m frozen, speechless, staring at the utter beauty standing before me.

The way she punches me in the gut just by smiling makes me breathless. The way she can break my heart with a single ‘no’ almost brings tears to my eyes.

I’ve gotten used to seeing her hair in fancy buns for work, or messy ponies for training, but tonight it hangs loose the way it was the night we met. It almost reaches her elbows, smooth with soft curls ironed in, bouncing against her back and shoulders as she descends. Her eyes look amazing; made up to make the blue stand out. Her eyes, always so big and beautiful and innocent, now scream pure sex.


I allow my eyes their downward study – I’ve been waiting for it all day. She makes her way down the stairs in a little black dress with a high neckline and capped sleeves. Fabric covers her chest completely, cinches in at the waist, and flares at the hip. It’s the kind of dress a little girl would spin circles in just to see the skirt fly. The hem stops mid-thigh – mid-wonderful, toned, sexy, tanned thigh. I follow the line of her legs that go on forever, and smirk at the light bruising smattered on her shins.

My girl’s a fighter.

She stops at the bottom of the stairs in those sexy black heels with ribbon circling her ankles, and remembering her brother is somewhere nearby, I try to think of something other than those heels resting over my shoulders while I fuck her blind.

Grandmas. Puppies. Babies. Our old post lady Martha that definitely looked like an Arthur. Kittens. Fuck, not kittens!

“Hey.” She smiles shyly. “Am I dressed wrong? I didn’t know where we were going, so I wasn’t sure–”

“No, you lookgood–” I squeak on the last word. I fucking squeak! “Great.”Man up.“You look great, babe.”

“It’s not too much?”

“I promise, you look,” – deliciously fuckable – “Amazing.”

“Well, I think you look hot, Kitty Cat.” Jimmy steps up to her with a wicked grin. I can’t even find it in me to growl at his continued flirting. When she smiles her kind, motherly smile that she uses on Jack, I mentally fist bump. He’s been worse than friend zoned. He’s been kid-brother zoned.

There’s no coming back from that.

I offer her my arm. “Are you ready to go?”

“Sure.” She slides her arm into the crook of mine, and steps in close so her side brushes close against mine. Her hair tickles my arm, and her perfume fills my senses until I’m giddy and breathless.

“Well, you whippersnappers,” Jimmy croaks like ol’ Jiminy Cricket, “you have fun tonight. Be home before the porch lights come on.”

I roll my eyes and lead her outside. I don’t miss the way Jack doesn’t show his face again. He doesn’t want to watch me lead his sister outside for our date, and I don’t want to look into his eyes knowing the thoughts that were running through my mind as she descended the stairs. That’s not something he and I ever need to discuss.

Ignorance works just fine.

I lead her to my Rav and help her climb in, then close the door and run around to the driver’s side. Sitting in contemplative silence for a moment, she watches me with her soft dimpled grin.

My heart hammers in my chest. I’ve waited for this, and now it’s here, the pressure of making tonight a success is almost crippling. I can’t fuck it up – there’s too much at stake.

I know we’ve only known each other for a little while, but I feel as though I’ve been waiting my whole life for this girl. I’ve never felt the urge to seriously date a woman before, and then I stumble into this sort-of-mom with a crazy complicated life and zero free time – and I make it happen anyway.

From the moment I laid eyes on her, sad and sitting alone in a club, something inside me changed. Ifeltit in my gut – this is important. This can’t be ruined. I won’t let it go bad, because I’m not happy anymore unless she is. My goals don’t seem to matter anymore, just hers. My family were always my number one, but now, it’s as if the entire order on the totem pole of my life dropped down a peg specifically to make room for her at the top.

I take her hand and kiss her knuckles gently. “You look beautiful tonight, just so you know.”

She blushes. “Thank you.”

I lay her hand back in her lap, then a moment later, we’re pulling out of her driveway and heading toward town. My music is still loud from the drive to her house, but as I reach out to turn it off, she snags my wrist. “No. I like this song, leave it on.”

I’m impressed. “You know this?”

“Of course. I love Fort Minor. They’re great to work out to. They always made me run harder, faster… further.”

I watch her from the corner of my eye. “You used to run a lot?”