Page 66 of Finding Home

“Yeah,” she laughs shyly. “I do. I really want to go to your house right now.”

“Fuck. Let’s go.”

I want to touch her right here in this club. I want to take her right now in this booth. She leans forward and kisses me again, pushing her tongue against mine and runs her hand slowly across my zipper. My hips jerk forward instinctively. “Fuck, fuck, fuck Kit.” This is really happening. “Let’s go.” I stand up and toss cash down for dinner.

Rearranging my dick before I die of discomfort, I grab her hand as soon as she’s free of the table and drag her toward the exit. We race outside, and I pull her to my car, crushing my thumb against the key fob to unlock it, and practically ripping the door off its hinges to get her inside as fast as possible.

Giggling, she puts one leg up to climb in, but I grab her hips and lift her the rest of the way. She laughs throatily, and pulls me by the collar of my shirt until our lips meet again and her arms wrap around my neck.

I don’t want to move, I don’t want to break this contact, but I so desperately want to feel her, all of her, and I need to get her home for that. I force myself to step away and hurry to my side of the car.

I throw myself in and slam the door, and turning to look at what’s mine, I freeze with breathless anticipation. Her finger rests on her chest, and her eyes scream mischief. Without speaking, she watches me watch her, and slides her finger slowly down her chest, over the swell of her breast then down the valley between…

… slowly, across to her ribs, and over her abs to rest where her belly button lies under the fabric of her dress. She stops there and waits for my gaze to meet hers. She licks her lips seductively to make sure she has my attention, then looking at her hand again and forcing my gaze to follow hers, she lowers her hand and presses in at her crotch until she gasps.

That single gasp nearly has me coming in my pants.


She runs her hand along the inside of her thigh until she reaches the end of her dress, then lifting the fabric, slides her hand underneath.

I slam my hand over hers. I can’t take any more. “You fucking minx, are you trying to kill me?”

She runs her tongue along her teeth. “Would you prefer to do it yourself?”

“Fuck yes, I would, but not in my car. Behave yourself!” I switch on the ignition and slam my foot down on the peddle.

My Rav is a stick shift, so in order to drive, I have to take my hand off hers. She uses the opportunity to place her hand on my leg, squeezing near my knee, and sending my heart skittering in my chest. She slowly begins to move her hand higher, which has my heart stopping completely. She’s really trying to kill me.

I want to stop her. I want her to keep going.

She reaches my zipper and runs her nail across it, and I feel Every. Single. Bump. She reduces me to a whimpering mess of orgasm induced stupidity, and I’m terrified that I’ll blow my load like a virgin high schooler. She daringly lowers her hand and cups my balls. I’m done. I can’t take anymore. “God, please stop, Kit. I’m about to embarrass myself.”

She squeezes me again with a sassy smirk, forcing my eyes closed and my teeth to clench together. I can’t do this. I can’t take anymore. I’m about to crash this damn car, and then I’ll never get to be inside her.

She takes pity on me. She knows I’m about to break, so she lets me go with a cheeky fucking grin. Thankfully, we’re turning onto my street now, and I tear into my driveway. Ripping the hand brake up, and without giving her time to touch me again, I throw my door open and run to hers, tear it open, and physically lift her out.

I slam her against the car, wrap her legs around my hips, and fuse my lips to hers. My hands cup her bare ass cheeks beneath the fabric of her dress, and lace underwear teases the tips of my fingers. I’d literally die a happy man if she’d just bend over and show me that underwear right now.

She whimpers as my hardened cock grinds against her core.

So close. So fucking close.

I lift her away from the car and carry her toward my front door. It’s tempting to take her here and now, but I won’t be giving my neighbors a show tonight. I’ve waited too long for this; I won’t be sharing a damn thing.

With strong arms, she boosts herself up and her tongue plays with mine. She tastes sweet, like the finest desserts. We’re all tongues and teeth as I walk, and I have to concentrate on not tripping over my own feet. Stopping at the front door, I use my hips to hold her weight up while I frantically search my pockets for the keys. Pockets, pockets, so many fucking pockets. I can’t find them, and I have no idea where they could be.

She stops kissing me. Her panting breath bathes my face. “What’s the matter?”

“I can’t find my fucking keys.” My voice comes out cracked and panicked. If I took a step back for half a second, I’d remember I had them only a minute ago, so they can’t be far away. Kit starts laughing and untangles her legs from around me. I don’t want to let her go, but she gives me no choice. “They’re still in your car, dummy.”

“How do y–” I stop, and the noise from my car stereo filters through the night air. “Motherf–” I point at her. “Don’t you fucking move!”

She folds at the waist and belly laughs like a fool. Lifting her chin, I kiss her hard, bite her lip, and elicit another moan as she wraps her arms around my neck. I step back and let her arms drop. “I’m begging you, Kit, please don’t move.”

I run to my car and back again faster than humanly possible, then I unlock my front door and throw my keys to the floor. I turn around and pick her up, then shuffle inside, kicking the door closed and slamming her against it simultaneously. I need to feel her. I need to taste her.

I need to be in her.