Page 73 of Finding Home

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“On the contrary, babe. It’s hot.” He looks over his shoulder. “But those socks; well that’s something else. Can’t say seeing you in my socks does anything for me.”

“Shut up! I can’t go barefoot before coffee. It’s like, my poor sensitive feet hurt from the tiles.”

“Your poor sensitive feet?” He laughs and walks back to me with my coffee. “Those are fighter’s feet, woman. We’ll toughen you up soon enough.”

“I don’t want them to be toughened. I like my socks. I don’t wanna quit them.”

He laughs and drops a sweet kiss on my forehead. “I’m so glad you’re here. I feel like I’ve waited forever to finally be with you.”

I sigh and look up at him. “I’ve kind of given you a hard time since I’ve known you, huh?”

“It’s okay. I like your sassiness… Just don’t give up on us, okay? We’re a team. I’m on your team now, so don’t shut me out if things get tough, alright?”

I nod hesitantly. I’m overwhelmed at this man’s ability to love so much, yet ask so little in return.

He places his finger under my chin and forces my gaze up. “Promise me, Kit.”

I nod again. “Okay, I promise. I won’t shut you out.”

“You’ll ask for help if you need it?”

This is a tough one. I’ve gone most of my life without asking for anyone’s help. I’m an independent woman, and it grates to not be able to do something on my own.


I nod again “Yeah, I promise… We’re a team.”

“Good. Come on then, Sexy Socks, come to the table. Breakfast is ready.” He steps away and grabs a plate of pancakes and the coffee pot, then turning with a smile, leads the way to the already set table; plates and cutlery set out, juice and glasses waiting for us.

He flips a pancake onto a plate immediately, and sitting, I reach out for the syrup to drown it and dig in. “Mmm, so good.” I look up with a mouthful and sip at my coffee. “And the coffee, too. These are delicious.”

“Don’t get too excited,” he laughs. “The pancakes came from a bottle, I just add milk. And the coffee, well yeah, I’ve gotten decent at that, it’s a necessity in my life.”

“It’s okay, I get it. Coffee is life, it’s my first stop in the morning.”Well. After the sock drawer.

He watches me eat and sends my nerves firing. I watch as he innocently licks syrup from his fingers. “What are you up to today?”

“Work.” I roll my eyes at the reminder. So much work to do. “I bring my laptop home to do stuff I didn’t finish at the office.”

“That sounds lame.”

I laugh. “It is lame. But it has to be done. End of financial year keeps me super busy.” More coffee to wash down my gaping mouthful. I’m so classy. “I’m not sure what Jack’s doing. He’ll probably end up at your gym, actually. He said something about hanging out with Michael, then Michael’s staying at our place tonight.”

“Do you often have teenage sleepovers in your house?” He shudders dramatically. “Don’t they annoy you?”

I laugh softly. “No, they’re okay. They keep to themselves and watch movies or whatever, and it means I can give Jack some type of freedom, but he’s still under my roof and not getting into trouble. It’s a compromise I can live with.” I stop and look up. “Do you have to work today?”

“Yeah, I have to be there in a bit for a kid class. I’ll drop you home after breakfast, then Jimmy and I will go straight to the gym.” His eyes thoughtfully scan my face. “I’d rather hang out with you.”

I’d rather hang out with him, too. “Yeah, working on weekends sucks, but I don’t have a lot of choice. It should only be a couple hours, then I’ve gotta run to the store; we’re making pizza for dinner.”

“Making?” His brows furrow quizzically. “Like, homemade?”

“Yeah, like, I need flour and yeast and stuff.”

He snorts. “You just got hotter, babe.”