Page 80 of Finding Home

I step back and let Jack walk out of the office ahead of me, and as soon as we hit the hallway, he spins back with a goofy grin. “That was awesome!”

I laugh and return the fist bump he holds out for me. “It was my pleasure taking that asshole down a peg. Let me know if you get any unfair treatment because of this, okay? Be good, don’t fight, pay attention in class. But if you get extra detention or shitty comments, let me know. I’m on a roll and I’ll take care of it.”

“Will do.” He smiles hesitantly. “Thanks for what you did.”

“You’re welcome. Now, go to class. I’ll see you at the gym later. You go straight there from school, okay? The guys will be expecting you.”

“K. See ya!” With his backpack bouncing and his six-foot frame skipping like a little girl in a prairie, he takes off down the hall toward first period science.

I hope I didn’t screw anything up this morning. My bravado flushes away as soon as I’m alone. I’d never normally even consider speaking out of turn like I did, especially not to a school authority in front of his student, but that shit wasn’t fair. I won’t allow that man to push Jack out of school simply because he doesn’t like him.

This affects Reeves for another year or two, but it affects Jack for the rest of his life. He’ll finish school if it kills me, and he’ll make something of himself. He has too much talent and a good brain in his head. He won’t be like the rest of our family. I refuse to let him become a bum.

I pull the phone from my bag as I exit the large double doors at the front of the school. The screen shows five messages from Bobby, and that washed-away adrenaline-low is replaced with a brand-new endorphin high.

Bobby:How’d it go?

Bobby:You okay?

Bobby:Reeves is a dick!

Bobby:Just saying.

Bobby:Love you. Want me to deliver a knuckle sandwich?

I giggle at him. Who the hell says knuckle sandwich anymore?

Me:I don’t think we can see each other anymore. :P

Bobby:Oh lordt, what now? Tell me so I can yell at you, then I’ll grab your ass.

I laugh at his reply. He knows I’m joking.

Me:It’s just that… knuckle sandwich? You kinda dulled your hotness by saying that. And without your looks, there’s just nothing left to keep me interested.

Bobby:So sassy! Come here and I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich.

Me:Oh puhlease! You don’t scare me. I have a good trainer! I know how to hit back.

Bobby:Yeah? Tell me about your trainer. Is he kind of awesome? Good looking?

Me:Yeah, he is! He’s sexy. He’s a little younger than me, but I could make an exception for Jimmy.

Bobby:Jimmy?!? So sassy!! :(

Me:Sorry baby. Love you xx

Bobby:Can’t charm me now. I would cry, but that wouldn’t be hot. Instead, I might go kick Jimmy’s ass. That always makes me feel better.

Me:Have fun. Don’t break your mama’s china. I have to go to work now, anyway.

Bobby:Wait, you still didn’t tell me how it went at school.

Me:Ugh, yeah, it was a clusterfuck. But I got the last word in, so all’s right in my world.

Bobby:That’s my girl. Love you. See you this afternoon – you owe me some tongue.

Me:I got you. Bye.