Page 85 of Finding Home

With a minute left in the second round, he changes it up and starts kicking the ribs. He brings his opponent’s arms down to protect his side, then he trips him up and starts back on the legs. Legs. Ribs. Ribs. Legs. Ribs. Ribs. I can almost predict what he’s going to hit next. It’s the same, time and time again. Legs. Ribs. Ribs. Legs. Ribs. Ribs.

As though the other kid caught onto the routine, his leg comes up to check and his arms come down to protect the ribs, and fucking him over like he’d planned it all along, Jack’s leg comes up in a high roundhouse kick and connects with his jaw.

Knocked. The fuck. Out!

The room explodes with applause and hooting as the ref holds Jack’s hand in the air. Jimmy jumps on me and screams in my ear with excitement. Medics jump into the ring to help Jack’s opponent, though he’s already sitting and awake, and as soon as the kid is back on his feet and Jack’s hand is released from the ref’s, Jim and I jump into the ring and tackle him in our excitement.

I’m so proud of this little fucker!

“Winner by knockout, Jack Reilly!”

Our ragtag group of friends thrust to their feet and scream their joy for our newest champion fighter. Whatever was troubling Kit earlier is forgotten, and she and Tink jump on each other and bump Jon and Aiden around as they try to contain the carnage.

Kit’s my family now, which means Jack is, too. And if they’remyfamily, then they’re my brothers’ family too, which is easily seen in the pride they wear on their faces.

“Out you go, boys. Take your fighter.”

I drag Jack to the ropes and help him through – not that he needs it. He’s flying on the win. Jimmy follows us back down the hall and into the locker rooms, so Jack can take his gear off and have a shower.

Whenever one of us fights, whether it’s a development day or the world title, we debrief immediately after. We discuss how it went – win or lose – what we could do better next time, how we feel about it, if we’re hurt. It helps us process what’s just happened, and brings us back to earth and slows the adrenaline rush.

Twenty minutes later, we emerge from the gym warehouse, laughing and high on victory and ready to celebrate with our friends, when yelling from the parking lot has our heads snapping up. The three of us round the corner at a sprint to see Aiden – a trained fighter, yes, but never the first to anger or to act rashly – hitting a man and dropping him to the ground.

I desperately bolt the final forty feet in search of Kit, only to find her tucked up behind Jon’s back while Aiden stands over Timms – our former student. He hasn’t been back to our gym since he tried to hit on Kit and was shooed away.

To be honest, I haven’t thought of him once since that day.

“Fuck you all,” he spits past his bleeding lip. “You think you’re some kind of special. Just a bunch of cocksuckers and their slut groupies.”

I shoulder Aiden aside and stand over Timms to block his view of the group. More specifically, to block his view of Kit. “What the hell’s going on here?”

“Nothing! Get the fuck out of my way, faggot.” He stands and pushes past me. “Hey, Cat.” He speaks to Jon’s chest, since Kit is stuffed behind him. She’s no one’s damsel in distress, though. She’s not hiding. She’s being held back. “Come see me when you want a real man, baby girl. I’m willing to slum and let you choke on my cock.”

Jimmy jumps forward as a roar rips through my chest. “Get the fuck out of here,” he snaps. Aiden and Jim work to push me back. “Get outta here before I let him go, motherfucker.”

Kit rushes out from behind Jon and presses a calming hand to my chest. “Calm down, Bobby. It’s fine.”

“The fuck it is! What the hell happened?” She flinches at my shout, and guilt washes through my body. My anger isn’t directed at her, but my adrenaline has me ready to run Timms the fuck over.

“Bobby! Cool it.” Her angry eyes snap to my captors. “Let him go.”

They look at her, then at me, then toward the car pulling out of the lot as Timms spins his wheels on the way. As soon as he’s gone, they release me and I slump forward until Kit wraps her arms around my hips. I’m not sure if she’s hugging me or restraining me, but she presses her face into my chest and shushes soothingly. Her body touching mine is like aloe on a burn – she relaxes me until I wrap my arms around her shoulders and press my lips to her hair.

“Okay, I’m alright.” I’m not alright. I want a round in the octagon with Timms. I want to beat him unconscious, and I want her to watch. I want to show her I’m the stronger man, that I can keep her safe.

Jack hovers around us inconspicuously. She breathes with her face in my chest, and he hovers to make sure she’s okay. It would blow Kit’s mind if she knew just how protective he is of her.

My body shakes with adrenaline as I look up and meet Aiden’s fiery eyes. “What happened?”

He brushes a shaky hand through his short hair. “Timms was…interestedin dating Kit. She said no thanks. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Eyes narrowing and arms squeezing, I look down at her. “Define wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

“He spoke to her inside,” Aiden answers. “During the fight. Dunno what he expected, seeing as she was sitting with us. His ego’s bigger than his peanut brain.”

“Okay, she said no.” I look back to her. “You said no, baby.”

She nods until her angry eyes turn emotional. They fill with tears that threaten to spill.