Page 27 of Our Harmony

This is ridiculous. I don’t dance.

But I couldn’t help it. I let myself go and danced along to the music.

“Thank you for letting us do another show, Professor Barley,” Kaitlyn said to the older woman who’d introduced them. We were some of the last people out of the building, a few volunteers still shuffling around with mops and brooms.

“I think we’re going to have to organize your own night here soon,” Professor Barley laughed. “So many people asked about you tonight.”

“That would be amazing,” Kaitlyn said. “But we haven’t spoken to Kendra about playing again with us. She was just filling in…”

“I’d love to play with you,” Kendra said, her face glowing. “If you’ll have me.”

“Um, yes?” said Brianne. “Are you kidding? You were amazing. That was the most fun I’ve ever had playing a performance.”

“Thank you,” Kendra said, beaming. “It felt incredible to play again.”

Kaitlyn clapped her hands together. “Well, shit. It’s settled then. We ought to exchange numbers.”

“I’ll be in contact with you all,” Professor Barley said, and turned to leave.

“Oh, Professor,” I said, stopping her.


“I’d like to inquire about purchasing a piece of artwork from the show tonight…”

Soon, Kendra and I were walking out to our cars together, the painting of the tuxedoed duck all wrapped up and held firmly under my arm. I opened my trunk and slid the painting carefully inside. Kendra leaned against the back of my car, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her leather jacket. I came up next to her and leaned against the car too. There was something different about her now—she looked more confident, surer of herself.

“You were fucking amazing in there, you know? Blew me and everyone else away.”

She smiled and looked away, shyly. “Nah. I’m so rusty. I’m just happy I didn’t drop my sticks. Or let one fly into your boobs.”

We laughed. “Yeah, it’s best you don’t do that,” I said.

“Kaitlyn and Brianne are the amazing musicians. They were completely on point, and they disguised all the mistakes I made.”

“You’re being too hard on yourself,” I said. “The three of you were great. For real, I wouldn’t have known that was the first time you’d all played together. I’m not exaggerating, and you know I’ve got an ear for music.” I tapped my ear for emphasis.

“Thanks,” she said.

Our shoulders touched, and I felt the overwhelming desire to reach out and take her hand. How was it that one woman, a virtual stranger, had awoken these feelings in me? I’d never felt this way before about anyone. What was it about Kendra? I tried my hardest to come up with a reason, with some trait that explained everything, but I couldn't. It was a mystery—all I knew was that I wanted to be with her.

It made me feel like I might be going a little cuckoo, but for the first time in my life, work didn’t seem so important.

My heart jolted in surprise when I felt Kendra lean into me, instead of away. Maybe she…?

I wasn’t going to let this moment just disappear. I had to take a chance. I reached out with my pinky finger and slowly let it slip around her. I waited for the rejection—but it didn’t come. Our fingers stayed intertwined, and a deep silence came around us, except for the sound of our breathing. Then Kendra let her fingers intertwine with mine, taking my whole hand in hers.

“I’ve thought about it,” she said softly. Her dark eyes held mine, shining in the patio string lights that were twinkling over the edge of Shadetree’s back fence. Then she leaned in and pushed her lips to mine.

It felt like I’d been plugged in, like all the lights inside me had been flipped on. The exhilaration was unreal. I pulled her into me, reveling in the feeling of her lips against mine again. We tasted each other and drank each other in. Her hands reached up pushed through my hair, pulling me in as our tongues met and danced together. I was swimming in ecstasy, and all from a kiss.

I continued to plant little kisses on her lips, never wanting the moment to end. Then we pressed our foreheads together, our breathing quick and excited.

“Wow,” I said. “This is crazy.”

“What is?” she asked.

“How I feel. I feel like I can do anything. I’m so happy. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to kiss you again, Kendra.”