Page 35 of Our Harmony

The three of us spent the rest of the day just freestyle jamming. Since it was our first official practice together, we didn’t want to bog ourselves down with deciding on specific music just yet. We had amazing chemistry, but it was important that we spent time learning each other’s styles and quirks, and tuning our performances so that we could be in sync. That said, it did seem to come extremely easy for us. I’d played in quite a few amateur rock bands before, as well as jazz performance bands in school, and none of them had been as easy to sync up with as it had been with Kaitlyn and Brianne. Our first performance together had been amazing, but I was certain that with real practice, our second would be absolutely incredible.

We played until the late afternoon and I had to get ready to go to work. When the two of them left, I went and checked my cell phone and found a missed text from Melany.

> Melany: Hey. Hope the practice is going well. I love you.

My heart skipped a beat reading those last three words.

> Kendra: Sorry for the wait! Practice was amazing. We’ve been invited to play again at Shadetree. What have you been up to? I love you too.

My heart skipped another beat typing out the last four.

I changed out of my clothes and dug into my closet for my work outfit. After putting it on, I went to the bathroom to make sure my hair was okay. I untied my ponytail, brushed out my hair, and then re-tied it. My phone started to ring on the bathroom counter. Melany, I thought eagerly.

I picked up the phone and felt a pang of disappointment when I saw that the screen said “Work.”


“Uh, hi, Kendra?”

It was Herschel, and there was something in the tone of his voice that I detected immediately that made my heart drop. He’s not happy. Bad news. What bad news?

“Yeah? What’s up? I’m about to head out.”

“Listen, I just want you to know that I did everything I could, but this decision came from Mr. Miyaguchi after he did his inspection.”

“What?” I said breathlessly, my heart pounding.

“I’m sorry, Kendra. We have to let you go. It’s nothing personal, really. I’m sorry.”

“W-wait. Herschel, I can’t. I really… this job is paying for most of my rent and food, I can’t—”

“I’m really sorry, Kendra. Really sorry. But the decision has been made. So, I'm sorry, but you’re no longer an employee here. We’ll make arrangements to send your last paycheck.”

I tried to think of something to say, my mouth moving soundlessly. There was nothing I could say, so I hung up.

My pulse echoed loudly in my ears. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, staring openmouthed back at me.


How would I afford next month’s rent? I was barely going to cut it as-is, and now I’d lost the rest of the income for the month. If I didn’t find something fast, I’d be fucked. Absolutely fucked. My mind was racing, trying to think of a solution, but the terrible reality was becoming obvious. I’d already searched for jobs all over town and found nothing.

You’ll have to move back home to Manchester. Back home with Dad. Away from Melany.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I nearly dropped it onto the floor.

> Melany: That is amazing news, Kendra! I can’t wait to see you guys play. I know it’s only been like five hours, but I fucking miss you. I’ve been doing work, re-examining my project. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.

Just when everything was going so well, of course this happens. And it’s all my own fucking fault.

I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t choke them back. They poured down my cheeks, my body shaking with violent sobs.



I’m in love.

It was crazy as hell, almost too bizarre to believe, but it was true. I’d actually fallen in love, and it was the most amazing-ass feeling I’d ever felt in my entire fucking life. I felt so free and unhindered by everything, like the future was open to any possibility I could dream of.