Page 9 of Our Harmony

“It’s expensive. I wouldn’t feel right. We don’t even know each other.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” I repeated. “Money isn’t a problem. We’re getting to know each other right now. Seriously, Kendra.”

She seemed to relax. “Okay,” she said, smiling. “Thanks, Melany.”

We dug into our food, and I told Kendra about my interest in rock and roll drumming as a kid, and about my favorite musicians. The wine flowed. Kendra loosened up more, and so did I. She was definitely more than a pretty face and a talented set of hands. The girl was soft-spoken and a little shy, but when we started delving into the topic of music, her passion really emerged. It was surprising at first, seeing the way she talked about it. It was like she turned into a completely different person. She became animated and excited, her expression glowing with energy and electricity. I kept my mouth closed, just enjoying watching her speak. I loved good music, but Kendra was on a completely different level. It was obvious that she lived it. It made me wonder…

What was it like to feel that passionate about something?

The conversation continued to favorite albums we owned, and Kendra told me that she’d left most of her records at home.

“Good chance my dad got rid of them,” she said. “So now, most of my music is on my laptop.”

“Why would she do that?” I asked.

“Because he’s an asshole,” she said plainly.

“I see. That’s really too bad. I’d destroy anyone who fucked with my records,” I said.

“Do you have a lot?”

“A good amount,” I admitted. We finished the second bottle of wine, and I felt pleasantly buzzed. “Hey, why don’t we go for a walk down there?” I nodded out towards the Riverwalk. “Walk off this buzz a bit before heading home.”

“Did you drive here?” Kendra asked.

“Would’ve walked, but you know. Lost track of time. How about you?”

“I took the bus, but I can walk back if need be. I’m having a good time, surprisingly.”


Kendra nodded. From her cheek’s pinkish glow, I could tell that she was buzzing too. “Yeah. Let’s go down to the Riverwalk, and I’ll tell you more.”

I didn’t need to think about it. “Check please,” I called.



We walked side by side along the Riverwalk, and my body thrummed from the wine. It felt great to be talking to someone new, and Melany was really charming and easy for me to get along with. And hot. Definitely hot.

This isn’t a date, I reminded myself. You said it yourself.

I hadn’t given any thought to dating or romance or even sex since the incident with Max, and I had actually actively avoided situations that might put me into any contact with another potential relationship. I just couldn’t deal with it, and I definitely didn’t want to fall in love again. So why had I agreed to meet with Melany, a random stranger from the street? Sure, I found her attractive, but the real reason was simply because I’d felt good about myself for the first time in ages.

Talking to her over dinner about music felt fantastic, and it also helped that she wasn’t a musician her

self. She knew her stuff, and seemed to have impeccable taste, but she didn't have the ego that so many musicians I knew had. I was sure I had a pretty big one of my own back then, before it’d gotten completely destroyed and trampled into the dirt.

In the three years that I’d lived in Rosebridge, I’d actually never come to the Riverwalk in the evening. I’d never had a reason to do it. If Max had come to visit me, I probably would’ve taken him there to go on a date, but he’d never bothered making a trip out here. I realized, bitterly, that he’d probably been too busy fucking around.

Goddamn Max.

I’d sacrificed so much time, energy, and money for him, to keep our relationship together. He promised me the distance wouldn't be a problem, and I’d spent hours on the road going back home—a place I would’ve gladly never returned to if it weren’t for him—and spent money I could’ve used to pay my fucking rent.

He’d fucked up so much for me. So much.

I felt a warm push against my arm, and snapped out of my thoughts. Melany had nudged her forearm against mine. She was looking over at me, her gray eyes twinkling with the golden lights of the Riverwalk promenade. “Everything alright? You looked super intense there.”