Page 26 of Sinful Deed


Two women are dead, and more are on the way.

The news flashes bright in the darkness, bouncing off the windows and forcing my eyes to narrow to keep the light out. But while Miranda London’s six o’clock broadcast repeats at eleven, I glance out the apartment window to the city outside.

Sirens wail in the distance—Is there already another victim?—and a killer walks free amongst the four million other citizens of Copeland City.

The dirty mayor of times gone by has been removed; one sure step, I suppose, in the fight against social injustices.

Assuming the incoming mayor isn’t just as bad.

Nevertheless, the police who search for a killer are too far from the truth, so a terrifying reign continues. They try, they track down every potential lead and scour countless hours of security footage, but another moon has risen over Copeland, and those women taken too soon sleep inside a morgue while their killer prowls for more.

“A city is in mourning,” Miranda London’s seductive voice plays through the television speakers. “We’re not safe, and sources confirm the Opulus Killer’s victims won’t know they’ve been poisoned until they’re already dying. This is an act of violence against society’s lesser valued. It makes me wonder… what are the police doing to protect us all?”

London will create citywide panic if she keeps that shit up.

And that panic will either benefit us when the young mothers of Copeland City turn hyperalert to their surroundings, or—and this is more likely—the asshole being dubbed the Opulus Killer will go to ground and hide until the spotlight is being shined somewhere else.

Tomorrow, if the cops still haven’t found their killer, I’ll step forward and work to make sure he has nowhere to hide.