Page 61 of Sinful Deed

“Fabian?” I take her hand and twine our fingers together. A seemingly romantic gesture inside a busy bar, but what I actually do is push her sleeve up and take a peek at the inside of her elbow.

Does she bruise from her infusion? Does she suffer?

“Lieutenant Fabian’s good. Getting a little old, maybe, but he’s fair and keeps a clean house. His age makes him good, because he’s not playing games to get attention or promotions. He just does his job and inches closer to retirement.”

“When does he retire?”

“Couple of years. Why are you so curious?”

She only lifts a shoulder and sips more of her soda. “Just asking. Who’s that?” She tips her head toward the pool tables. More specifically, to the woman Fletch dry-fucks against the wall. “They seem friendly.”

Snorting, I place a hand under Minka’s chin and drag her attention back to me. “He doesn’t like to spend too much time getting to know them. It’s not a hobby of his.”

“Kinda like you, huh?” She turns her face so my hand falls free. “You move fast, Archer Malone. We only just met, and you’re kinda complicating things for us.”

“I’ve always liked it that way.” Grabbing her chin between my thumb and finger, I pull her closer and take her supple lips with mine. “Before, it was fast and discard. Now, it’s fast and hold on. You hungry?”

“Yep.” This time, she puckers her lips and initiates contact. “Starving, but Aubree said she wants to eat with me and watch trash television.”

“Sounds like a date.” I wave for Tim to head back our way. “I’ll order for you both. You eat now, she can eat later. And if it’s cold when she gets here, I’ll order her another.”

The moment Tim stops in front of us and leans closer as the noise from the filling bar grows louder, I order three burgers and fries, and breadsticks while we wait.

“You look pale.” When he leaves to start our food, I slide my thumb across her cheek. “Is this common? Is your blood sugar low? I’m still trying to learn about hemophilia, so I don’t know what’s good and bad.”

“I’m not diabetic.” She smiles and remains close enough for me to touch. To study. To taste on every breath I inhale. “I’m hungry, and it’s freezing out there, but hot in here. You’re talking commitment and crazy stuff, and I’m painfully aware our killer is somewhere nearby right now, looking for his target.”

The moment Tim drops breadsticks in front of us, Minka reaches out and takes one. “I’m fine, Archer. I’m healthy. My hemophilia doesn’t have to be something for you to worry about unless I’m seriously injured.”

She chomps the end of the bread. “The mayor was cool. Aubree got a funny case this afternoon. You kissing my neck feels good. And,” she peeks over my shoulder with a sparkle in her eyes, “Fletch needs to cite himself for public indecency. Is he using protection?”

I glance back and chuckle when his hand goes into the woman’s pants.

Bringing my gaze around to the woman who makes my hands sweat and my heart thunder too quickly, I gently place my fingers on her neck and drag her eyes back to mine. “Watch me. Not him.” I lean in and press a kiss to her supple lips, only to taste remnants of salt from the bread. Maybe a little rosemary. “How was your day?”

“Decent.” She leans back only far enough to keep eating. “Got to hang out for a minute with Lawrence, like I said. Aubree discovered she has daddy issues, seeing as how she found the guy kinda sexy although he’s thirty years older than her.”

I frown at that.Does Minka think he’s sexy?

“I also got to know my assistant a little better.” Minka’s eyes dance with humor as she takes another bite. “Seraphina is kinda scary, but she’s good at her job, so I don’t mind keeping her around.”

“ShehatedChant.” I lean in and steal a bite of the breadstick, only to grin when Minka scowls. “Loathed the woman.”

“I can see why. Seraphina wants communication and honesty and fast work. Chant seemed the type to want black tie events and media coverage, but zero actual responsibility.”

“Pretty much. They swung the complete opposite way when they hired you. Kinda worked out for me in the end.” I glide my hand along her thigh and smile when her eyes drop to the movement. “Can’t say I found Chant attractive or my visits to the George Stanley all that… titillating.”

She shakes her head and sniggers under her breath. “You framed your entire sentence purely so you could saytit.”

“Yuh.” I trace my fingers over her hip and up to her ribs until my thumb rests just below her breast. “Wanna change our order to go? I’ll come eat at your place.”

“So gracious of you,” she hums. “What do you plan to eat, Archer?”

Surprised by her crassness, I pull back and study her eyes. “Nasty.” Then I lean in and press a kiss to her smiling lips. “And you. I’ll eat you.”

“Get off her.” Tim drops three plates down in front of us and winks for Minka. “Your safeword isFuck off, Archer. Where’s Aubree?”

Minka leans away from me and brings her plate closer to pick at the fries. “Working. Why do you care so much? I thought you werejust friends?”