Page 8 of Sinful Deed

In layman’s terms, we’re putting her in a freezer.

“Bag her, tag her, slide her in,” I instruct Aubree while I slow my steps at the check-in desk. No one stands guard, so I step around the desk and go to work checking her in myself.

I find her file, which is already set up, thanks to Aubree, and officially change her location from Autopsy Room One, to…

“Aubree?” I call out. “Which one?”

“Four-B,” she shouts across the chilled room. “I’m sliding her in.”

Shivers sprint through my body as I type the digits in to the computer. “That’s the number of my apartment. You couldn’t pick another?”

Her soft laughter echoes across the room. “It’s the first one I found available. Stop overthinking it. Now, what do you think would happen if I go back to the bar tonight and maybe give Tim the come-hither eyes?”

I hit enter on the computer, add my initials and passcode to authorize the movement of Kiera’s body, then I shut down the screen and fold my arms. “I think he’ll probably think you’re having a stroke. Or!” I step around the desk and meet my friend’s eyes as she walks back in my direction. “Maybe he’ll take you upstairs, steal your innocence, rock your world, and then cast you aside. Tomorrow, he’ll take a woman named Chloe to bed, and then I’ll have to soothe your tattered heart.”

“You’re seriously so caught up on Archer,” she giggles. “Hard-ass Minka Mayet is goop for a man, and it pisses you off that you heard arumorhe has someone else in his bed… but you’re too busy snapping and snarling at him to confirm.”

“What’s to confirm?” I lead her back toward the elevator and press my finger to the call button. “We’re not exclusive. I’m not looking for a man, he’s not looking for loyalty. And he knows about the rumors, so if he wanted to prove them false, he could have. He’s happier to watch me get pissy about it. Which isnothow relationships should be built anyway.”

“So you admit to wanting a relationship?” She glances up at the screen above the elevator as the numbers flash from 1 to 2. “You wanna marry up already, Doc?”

“Ew. No. I don’t want a romantic relationship, either. But friendships are relationships too, and his behavior proves everything I need to know.”

The moment the elevator doors ding open and reveal two very smug detectives, my eyes narrow in disgust.

Instantly, I take a step back. “We’ll get the next one.”

“Oh, come on!” Aubree grabs my coat—something I’ve noticed everyone in this group does, now that they know of my hemophilia—and drags me into the steel cube. “There’s loads of room in here.” She pulls me over the threshold and doesn’t stop until my chest almost touches Archer’s, then she turns and hits the button for the ninth floor. “Do we know anything new, guys?”

“We got the footage,” Fletcher answers. “It’s set to drop in our email within the hour.”

“I like your top, Aubs.” Archer’s voice is smooth and delicious. Piping hot and seductive enough to piss me off. “It’s cute.”

“Thanks!” Her devious gaze slides across to me. “It’s actually Doctor Mayet’s. I borrowed it before Christmas and decided I’d rather steal than pay for my own.”

“You admit to theft in front of the police,” I grit out. “Does no one see the irony in her unethical dilemma?”

“And you’re all about ethics,” Archer smarts. “She didn’t steal,Minnnka. She borrowed. Have you eaten yet?”

Angry, I turn back and meet his piercing stare. “What?”

“Food.” He reaches forward and snags the hem of my coat in his hand. Nevermind our rapt audience. Nevermind my constant rebuffs. “You’ve been up since two. You need to eat.”

“I need to take care of my own diet.” I slowly, carefully, draw the fabric of my coat through his fingers, only for him to release the very end with a jerk. “You’re here to investigate a homicide, Detective Malone. Not to harangue me about my meals.”

“I can do both at the same time.” His lips curl into a sexy grin. “I’m skilled like that.”

I spin when the elevator stops on the ninth floor. “You’re accustomed to doing more than one at the same time, aren’t you, Detective?”

“Gotcha,” Fletcher giggles as I walk away. Hegiggles!

With my temper nipping at my heels, I cross the tiled floor and breeze into my office. I would lock the door if I could, and keep the cops out, but I suppose some might consider thatunprofessional.

Plus, Aubree’s too friggin’ slow, meandering with the detectives instead of moving fast like I did.

Letting the door swing shut, I shake my head and make my way around my desk to pull out my leather, high-backed chair. If nothing else, I can maintain that semblance of control. Of superiority.

Though, the moment the trio steps into my office, and Archer’s aftershave fills the thirty square feet, I’m forced to grit my teeth and pretend I’m not a little sad inside.