‘Well I…’ It was almost painful to listen to him.

‘Okay, so what is it you really wanted to talk to me about?’ she said, taking him out of his misery.

‘It’s just that I need to get back to work and this whole thing with the flat, it all seems a bit pointless. I mean, come on, Liv, we’re mates, aren’t we?’

‘Are we? Really though, Eddie, are we? Because I thought we were so much more?’

‘Well, yeah, I mean that too, but like, what’s the point in me finding somewhere else, when we get on so well together, in the flat?’

‘So, you could come back and share my flat with me and we could just get on with it?’ He was unbelievable. She wanted to ask if he expected her to throw in hot meals and the occasional shag also, rent-free, but she didn’t because she was too aware of the fact that the woman opposite her was staring at her with growing interest and obviously craning to hear every single word. Oh, my God, how had she become one of those people who have these huge conversations on public transport? Eddie Quirke really had brought her to a new low. ‘And what about Anya?’

‘Well, I didn’t like to ask, but yeah, she said she’d be happy with the sofa.’

‘Excuse me?’ She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did he really expect to waltz back into her flat with his new girlfriend in tow and think everything would be fine?

‘Isn’t that what you meant?’

‘Not exactly.’ Liv wanted to explode, but the woman opposite had leant forward now and was actually smiling. The irony of the conversation was not lost on her, even if it went over Eddie’s head completely. She cleared her throat before going on. ‘Actually, Eddie, it’s not a good time to talk. I’m on the bus to work, so…’

‘Okay, cool, I can call you later. What time do you finish? I’m hoping to get back to Dublin by the weekend so…’

‘Please, don’t bother. The answer is no, Eddie. There is no way that you and Anya can stay at my flat and please, don’t ring me again.’


‘And, I nearly forgot, but don’t bother coming round to the flat either. The locks have been changed, so you’ll find it’s just a wasted journey. I’m pretty sure I’ve left all your stuff at the workshop, but if I come across anything else, I’ll drop it off there.’ She still had his keys, but he didn’t seem to register that. It didn’t matter. She’d leave it a week or two and if nothing else turned up when she pulled the place apart for painting, she could always pop them through his letter box.

When she hung up the phone she was shaking. What on earth was wrong with her? This was Eddie Quirke. She was better off without him, a thousand times better off without him, but still it hurt. He had betrayed her; maybe if it didn’t hurt, there would be more to worry about. Her phone rang again as she tried to shove it into her bag. Pete.

‘Hey?’ he sounded breezy.

‘Hey, yourself. What’s up?’ She took a deep breath to steady her nerves after the conversation with Eddie.

‘Not a lot, I just wanted to give you a heads up. I’ve had a call from Anya. I think reality has finally bitten; she’s looking for somewhere to stay. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Eddie gives you a call too.’

‘Too late.’ Liv sighed. She hadn’t meant to, but even thinking about Eddie wore her out at this point. ‘I’ve just spoken to him.’

‘Oh, Liv…’

‘Don’t worry, I’m not quite so stupid as to let him back into the flat.’ God, she felt as if she might be the most naïve person in the world.

‘You sound as if you could do with some cheering up.’ It sounded like Pete was smiling at the other end of the phone. ‘What about that guy, in the hospital, the one you sacrificed your Christmas for…’

‘I didn’t sacrifice anything,’ but as usual, Pete had managed to bring a smile to her lips.

‘If you say so, but… why don’t you offer to make him dinner, or something when he gets out of hospital?’

‘Actually, he’s already invited me out for dinner.’

‘A date? That was quick. You are a dark horse.’ He was making fun of her again.

‘Don’t be silly, not a date… just a thank you.’ Outside, big fat snowflakes were falling to the footpaths and Liv pulled her coat up around her, even though it wasn’t cold on the bus. ‘It’s definitely not a date!’ There were too many reasons not to get hung up on Finn, not least of all, the fact that she could absolutely fall head over heels for him and the last thing she needed was to have her heart broken again.

‘You are impossible, sometimes, you know that?’

‘I certainly am not.’

‘Liv…’ And she knew what he was saying, even if he never put it into words. Rachel would want her to move on with her life, to grab every opportunity that came her way and now, Pete wanted it too.

Faith Hogan's Novels