“Why would you loving me make Maxime more trustworthy?” I asked, dodging his sentiment and pulling my hands free.

If he was upset by my r

etreat, he didn’t show it.

“Because it means you’re mine. And in vampire cultures, we protect that which belongs to us, and to our family. ” He got to his feet, putting his crotch level with my face, and my cheeks warmed to recall what lay just beyond the barrier of his zipper.

Bad Secret.

Mustn’t think of blowjobs while having a serious discussion.

He stepped away in the next instant, confirming he hadn’t been offering himself up to me.

“When you say mine…” I let the question drift. I knew how the claiming policy worked when it came to humans, now that I was unintentionally in possession of a few, but I didn’t know what it meant when applied to another vampire.

“It means exactly what it sounds like. I told him I’m here as your consort. ”

At first I thought of the phrase in a literal way, that Holden was here to assist me and be a part of my entourage. But as I let the deeper meaning of the word sink in, my eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“Holden. ”

“Trust me, it’s for the best. If you were seen as being unattached, the council might attempt to use that. I’ve seen a lot of weird shit go down, and you don’t want an unfamiliar Tribunal trying to shack you up with a Council Elder in order to strengthen the bonds between the two communities. They tried it with Daria, and she was so appalled with who they saddled her with she ended up killing the guy. ” Daria had been my predecessor in the Tribunal, and I believed she’d been more than capable of murdering an unsuitable mate.

Holden was right, it would be a disaster if the West Coast council tried to force a vampiric lover on me. For starters, even a midlevel vampire would be stronger than me, and the second they realized that, I’d be dealing with an attempted assassination. My new lover could then claim a seat on the East Coast Tribunal, and that would be a disaster.

If I let Holden act as my consort, it would be out of the question for the other vampires to play matchmaker.

I hated to admit it, but it had been a genius move on his part.

“Did you tell Sig you planned to do this?”

Holden snorted. “Sig told me to do this. ”

Of course. Of course.

“Might have been nice to know ahead of time. You were going to come with me regardless. What if someone had asked me and I was like, ‘Oh, Holden? We fooled around once, and he has a habit of kissing me at inappropriate times, but I don’t know if I’d call him my consort. ’”

“Fooled around?” Now he looked offended.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, you know what I mean. ”

“Well, blessedly that wasn’t an issue. But I do have a suggestion to make. ”

“I’m sure you do. ”

“It would help sell the story if you behaved as though I was your consort. Meaning it would look good if one of the beds in our suite went unused. ”

This time, the meaning of his words didn’t get by me. “You’re using this as an excuse to get in my pants while I’m away from Desmond, aren’t you?”

He tried—and failed—to hide his smirk. “I’m merely making suggestions to help us convince others of our story. Of course, the vocal sounds of lovemaking would be hard to overlook and would make our union appear more legitimate. ”

“I’m not going to fuck you so some strange vampires believe we’re an item. ”

“I wasn’t saying that would be the only reason. ”

“You devious prick. ” I got to my feet, kicking back the ottoman a few inches and trying to stand tall enough I might appear imposing to him. It was a lost cause since Holden rarely respected my authority over him. Probably because two years earlier he had outranked me. It was hard to blame him when we both knew he could physically dominate me.

“How am I devious? The plan wasn’t mine. ”