“I need to talk to him,” I countered.

“Talk to him here.”

I huffed a sigh and turned to the vampire for a little help. He dropped the two suitcases he was carrying—one looked suspiciously as though it came from my apartment—then he smirked.


“He can’t stay here,” Lucas continued.

“He won’t.”

“Actually…” Sure, now Holden wanted to be helpful.

“Shh-ush,” I hissed.

He grinned. I almost wished he were being grim and surly. Then his mood would match Lucas’s. And mine for that matter.

“Out of the question,” Lucas insisted. “I don’t trust his…discretion for one. Fucking. Second.”

“My orders supersede your opinion of my indiscretions,” Holden said, and on the last word he gave me a lascivious wink.

Oh for God’s sake. He was enjoying this.

“Outside.” I pointed to the door.

“Not now—”

“Yes. Now. That’s an order.”

My command sobered him up right quick. He nudged the yellow Coach weekend bag he’d brought, the one I suspected was mine.

“I brought you something.” Then he stalked back out the door.

“Secret.” My name was all Lucas said.

“This wasn’t my idea.”

The look on his face told me he didn’t entirely believe me. “Be that as it may, I need it undone.”

I didn’t bother explaining how Sig’s orders trumped mine and I couldn’t get rid of Holden if I wanted to. Instead I gave Lucas a tight nod. “You need to let me talk to him. I’ll take care of this. I’ll be safe with him.”

Lucas grumbled something and threw his hands up in the air before stomping back to the table.

I took that as permission.

Before going to Holden, I stooped over my bag and unzipped it. Desmond had anticipated Brigit would be choosing my clothes for me, but it seemed a different vampire entirely had snuck into my closet and done the job. Desmond was out often enough it wouldn’t have been hard, I was just hoping he’d think Bri had taken the items, not Holden.

Inside the small suitcase was an array of sharp-looking outfits to make me appear both royal and dangerous. Leave it to Holden to think of my clothing needs above and beyond jeans and sweaters.

Underneath a leather skirt I found the real treasure, though. Extra clips for the SIG I’d brought in my purse and a wooden box containing the dagger Desmond had given me for Christmas. I couldn’t wear the dagger now, having no coat suitable to hide the leg strap, but I gratefully took the clips of silver bullets.

Unfortunately, in spite of all the new and lovely clothes I’d had delivered, I couldn’t take the time to change into any of them. I didn’t want to give Lucas a chance to change his mind and refuse to let me leave. And I didn’t want to get his hackles up by getting dressed nicely for a chat with Holden. Sadly, the hoodie would have to stick around for another hour or so.

Shouldering Holden’s bag, I turned to the wolves. “I’ll be back soon,” I promised.

“You look ridiculous.” This was Holden’s idea of an apology.

“I don’t need any more motivation to want to shoot you right now, but thanks.” I pushed a beignet around on my plate then licked the powdered sugar off my fingers before chasing it with a big swig of coffee.