Page 102 of Texas

“It will, gorgeous, and you’ve done so fuckin’ well. It’s nearly finished. The outlining is the worst.”

Right, I could do this. It’d already been an hour. What was a little longer? Besides, as soon as I’d seen Texas drawing the hawk one night when we’d been sitting on the couch together, I knew it was perfect for me. It represented so much. Not only for my dad and his club, but the way Texas had the wings spread under my breasts, to me, stood for my freedom from living through a terrible event. I also liked to think it was for my future. One Texas and I were flying into together.

I scraped my top teeth over my bottom lip and winced. “I would watch you more if my face wasn’t screwed up. I love seeing you work.”

I felt his lips press against the side of my boob.

“I know, babe.”

“You won’t tell anyone I was a mess, right?”

“My lips are sealed.”

“Promise me, Texas, because you didn’t keep your mouth shut about the time when the spider attacked me or the many other times over the year we’ve been together when I’ve done something you’ve found hilarious.”

I opened my eyes to catch him grinning.

“Babe, I promise to keep my mouth shut about this. Those things were different. They were funny. Your pain isn’t.”

God, that was sweet.

“Thank you, baby.”

“Always. Now, quit movin’. I’m nearly done.”

Nodding, I closed my eyes and gripped the sides of the bed. The gun buzzed to life, and I gritted my teeth through the rest, since there was no way I would tap out. I wanted this tattoo. Maybe next time, if there was going to be one, I would stick to places on my body that wouldn’t take my breath away or have me in near tears.

I still couldn’t believe it had been a year today since we got together. I wouldn’t change a thing. We had our little spats about silly things, but we’d stuck together no matter how much we got on each other’s nerves.

Things hadn’t really changed for us. We worked and went home together. Went to the compound to hang out and drink. Sometimes Texas had things he needed to do with the brothers. Situations where I didn’t know what he would be walking into. Mum told me the worry never got old. She still feared for Dad every time something happened and the club had to step in to assist. Really, we’d been lucky there hadn’t been anything big where they had to go in guns blazing. Though even the smaller incidents were scary.

But this was our life. The club would always be a part of it, and I’d already accepted that even before Texas and I got together, courtesy of growing up in a club.

Which was why we loved hard and enjoyed life to the fullest.

When my phone chimed, I glanced to the side where it was on the bench.

“It’s Swan,” Texas told me after he took a glance.

“Can I grab it?”

He stopped tattooing long enough for me to grab my phone, unlock it, and open the message.

Swan: He’s coming back to Australia.

Me: Who?

Swan: Lockland!!!!

Me: OMG. When, where, why?

Swan: For concerts, and he’s coming back in a couple of years, but the report says he’s thinking of staying a while. Should I reach out?

She was panicking already, but it wouldn’t happen for a couple of years? Honestly, her nerves said a lot about this guy. He’d been such a great friend to Swan back in the day, and I’d always hoped for more for both of them, but then he’d up and moved. I was sure I hadn’t been the only one hoping for more between the two of them. Not that Swan would openly admit that.

Me: Do you want to?

“What’s happenin’?” Texas asked, and I told him. He didn’t really remember Lockland, so he didn’t understand how big this was. He rolled his eyes, smirked, and got back to work while I held my phone high.

Lila Rose's Novels