Page 110 of Texas

Rolling my eyes, I pushed them from my mind; it wasn’t the time to think about how lonely I’d allowed myself to get. I had friends, but I didn’t have anyone I ran to with my problems. It was my own fault for not opening up to people. The last thing I wanted was to be a bother.

Taking another sip of my drink, I looked to the bar and smiled. Kylo, or as his brothers called him, Gun, was leaning against the bar and walking two fingers up his husband’s chest, Saint, with a flirty smile. I’d been surprised, like a lot of us in the club, when they’d gotten together, but anyone now could see the love they had for each other. My gaze snagged on another married couple. Wreck, who had always come across as a beefy asshole, was staring down at his husband, Lucas, while Lucas talked to State and Courtney, waving his hand wildly as he spoke. Wreck had shocked everyone more than Gun and Saint had. A few members weren’t happy to have gay men in the club, but Country had put a stop to the complaints and said if anyone did have an issue, they could leave.

That was another reason why I’d stayed with the Diamond MC. I liked how Country ran things. He was fair but also stood up for things he strongly believed in—one was supporting his brothers and who they loved, no matter the gender.

“You seem to be thinkin’ a lot tonight.” Tech stepped up beside me with a smile. He took a drag from his beer, and I watched his throat move over the motion. Could I imagine sleeping with Tech? He was very good-looking.

Realizing he was waiting for an answer, I blushed and nodded. “Yeah, my mind’s not my friend tonight.” There were only a few members I felt comfortable and could be myself with. Tech was one of them, along with Country, though he did fluster me since I’d seen him naked. There were also Gun and Quake.

“Need a hand to get your mind off things?” Tech’s smile grew flirty as he leaned his arm against the wall, facing me. Another great thing about the club was that when a woman said no, the men listened. Well, most did. There were only a few who tried to be persistent, but when their brothers yelled to knock it off, they did. They respected women, and I honestly felt safe in the compound.

The question I was fluffing around with was wondering if I could get my mind off Country by sleeping with Tech. With a quick glance across the room, where I saw Country kissing the roach on the cheek, I sipped my drink as my stomach clenched and looked up at Tech.

I cocked a brow. “What did you have in mind?”

His gaze ran over me slowly. “I could think of a few things.”

He’d always been the biggest flirt with me, and I did enjoy his attention. I locked my eyes on his lips. Yeah, I could imagine kissing them.

“Would these things happen to be in private?”


A shiver swept over me when he glided a couple of fingers over my cheek, and he gently brushed his thumb against my bottom lip.

Before his hand dropped, I sneaked my tongue out and licked over his thumb. His eyes darkened as he straightened.

“Dusty.” My name was clipped off with desire.

“Just to confirm, nothing will change between us?” That was what I wanted most, because until I got over my… whatever it was with Country, I wanted to make sure Tech and I would stay friends.

“Baby, I ain’t lookin’ for anythin’ long-term. Are you cool with that?”

“Cool as a cucumber.” Okay, that sounded cheesy, but it had Tech chuckling, at least.

He nodded toward the hall where the bedrooms lay. “You wanna take a walk with me?”

I did. Didn’t I?

I did because I loved sex, and I could use a little loving. Maybe even more experience would be good than having only two lovers. One had been my high school sweetheart, the other Country, and Lord knew I needed to move on from him, especially since he hadn’t been looking for anything serious those two times I’d slept with him. I worked that out quickly when I’d woken in the morning and he’d pretty much said, “Thanks for a good night, Dust,” and that was it.

Cocking my head to the side, I replied, “Depends.” Reaching out my hand, I waited for him to take it.

When he did, Tech smirked and ran his thumb over the back of my hand. “On what?”

A shadow covered half of Tech’s face, and we both looked to see Country standing there.

“Prez, what’s up?”

Country crossed his arms over his wide chest. A chest I had seen naked. A chest I knew looked amazing. Still, Tech’s could be just as good, and I had to give him a chance since the other man in front of me wasn’t interested. Over his shoulder, I saw the roach stalking over. My upper lip rose, but I quickly took a sip of my drink.

“Need you to do somethin’ for me.”

Tech’s eyes widened a little as he dropped my hand. “Now?”

“Babe, I slip off to the restroom for a second and you’re gone. What are you doing over here?” the roach asked as she wound her arms around his waist.

Jealousy uncurled inside me and bared its fangs. I stomped on the emotion, having no right to be anything with Country.

Lila Rose's Novels