Page 19 of Texas

My blood boiled, but I curled my hands into fists to control the rage. My reaction was more over the surprise of Maya dating, but I had no right to react.

She hadn’t been mine.

She didn’t know.

Was I too fucking late?

Was she really into this guy?

A teacher?

Christ, why was my chest hurting again?

I was a fucking fool for not noticing what was right in front of me earlier. A fucking fool for giving Maya her first kiss and ignoring that damn spark that shot to my groin over it.

But back then, she’d been too young, and I’d been too stupid and thought with my dick too much.

Now I’d lost my chance.

She was with someone.

How many dates had they been on?

Were they serious?

Had they kissed?

Had he touched her?

“Brother, how about we step outside for some fresh air?” Coyote asked.


“Um, Texas.” I felt Channa move closer, but I didn’t look away from that guy. “You’re going to burn a hole in the guy’s head with that glare, and people are noticing.”

Drawing in a deep breath, I nodded and walked back outside. The sun was rising in the distance. It was going to be a nice day, and yet, all I could feel was cold inside.

Fucking fool.

I’d left it too late, wanting my businesses set up and running before I could throw all my attention onto Maya.

Christ. I’d made the wrong decision and only had myself to blame.

“It ain’t anythin’ serious,” Coyote said when he stopped beside me.


“Texas, it was only a couple of dates. He shouldn’t even be here. He ain’t family. Maya and him aren’t tight.”

It sounded like he left off the “yet” at the end of that.

“It doesn’t matter right now,” I told him. “All I care about is that Maya is all right. That she’ll get through this night and eventually put it behind her to be happy.” Glancing up at the sky, I held back the tears threatening to fall. “That’s all that matters.” It was. Nothing that I felt in that moment mattered. It all seemed insignificant when Maya was in a hospital bed after dealing with this nightmare.

Coyote’s hand landed on my shoulder. “All right, brother. All right.”

“Your family’s been through so fuckin’ much.” How did they deal?

“We have, but we have so many people at our backs, holding us up. If it wasn’t for the support from everyone, we might not be as strong as we are.”

Lila Rose's Novels